IN YOUR 40s Set yourself up for a strong, healthy future.

(The 21-day plan in Love Your Age is the life-changing reset every 40+ woman needs!) BUILD UP YOUR MUSCLE Your muscle is the key driver of your metabolism, and now’s the time to start safeguarding your stockpile if you haven’t already. “The average sedentary woman has lost about 10 pounds of lean muscle mass, and gained at least that much in body fat, by the time she hits 40,” says Wayne Westcott, director of exercise science at Quincy College in Quincy, MA. In addition to making your body weaker and flabbier, lack of healthy muscle increases your risk of diabetes and makes you less likely to beat diseases, including cancer. Luckily, it doesn’t take much to make an impact: “With two full-body strength-training sessions per week, you’ll start burning an average of an extra 3,000 calories per month,” says Westcott. “Most women drop about 5 pounds of body fat and gain nearly 3 pounds of lean muscle mass within 10 weeks of starting a smart, sensible program.” You’ll also be more likely to preserve your independence in later years. Strength training causes muscles to pull on bone, which activates bone-building cells, reducing your risk of osteoporosis, says Westcott. (Try adding these important strength trainging moves to help you lose weight.) AVOID ADDED SUGAR While it’s no secret that sugar overload can do major damage to your body–increasing your risk of everything from belly fat and weight gain to chronic inflammation—it’s crucial to minimize your intake of the sweet stuff now. Once you reach 40, you’re at higher risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, so a clean, whole-foods-based diet is especially important, says Pamela Peeke, a clinical assistant professor of family and community medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and author of Body for Life for Women. This is your body on sugar: Another reason to avoid those empty calories now: Keeping your weight at a healthy level in this decade could help you live longer. A meta-analysis published in the Lancet found that adults in their 40s who were overweight or obese had a greater risk of death from all causes but especially heart disease, stroke, and respiratory disease. Your best bet: Aim for a BMI between 20 and 25, limit refined sugar to no more than 30 g a day, and avoid artificial sweeteners, which may make your body crave more of the real stuff, says James J. DiNicolantonio, a cardiovascular research scientist at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute in Kansas City, MO. MORE: 8 Things That Happen When You Finally Stop Drinking Diet Soda COMMIT TO GETTING FIT Several years ago, researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and the Cooper Institute in Dallas gathered medical records of 18,670 women and men who had undergone a fitness test at the center at least once since 1970, when they were, on average, in their 40s and 50s. Then they looked at each person’s Medicare claim records from 1999 to 2009. What they found: The adults who had been the least fit in midlife were the most likely to develop any of eight serious conditions (like diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, and Alzheimer’s), compared with those who were the most fit. And you don’t have to become an athlete to reap the benefits of exercise. “You can move out of the least fit category by walking 20 to 30 minutes most days of the week,” says Jarett Berry, an associate professor of internal medicine and one of the study’s authors. GET SERIOUS ABOUT SLEEP Animal studies show that fluid from the brain and spinal cord flows through gray matter during sleep, helping to clear away damaging molecules–including the Alzheimer’s-related protein called beta-amyloid. “Women in their 40s often feel the challenge of prioritizing demands of family or career over sleep, but this is the age when you’re laying the foundation for what your brain will look like 10 to 40 years down the road,” says Dena Dubal, a neurologist and neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco. Start scheduling your bedtime as you would an important meeting, avoid alcohol 4 to 6 hours before bed, and power down your electronics at least 30 minutes prior to sleep. (Here are 100 simple strategies to sleep better tonight.) MONITOR YOUR MOOD Researchers estimate that your odds of being depressed peak in your 40s, a time when hormonal changes and stressful circumstances like demanding careers and ailing parents can leave you feeling anxious and depleted. And a low mood doesn’t just put a damper on your day—it can also be as damaging to your heart as obesity and hypertension, says Cynthia Thaik, a cardiologist in Los Angeles. Another reason to keep tabs on tension: “Stress can lead to binge eating,” says Peeke, making you more likely to pack on pounds. (Here are 10 healthy snacks every stress eater should have handy.)One way to de-stress is to practice mindfulness, a technique that helps ground you in the present. Research shows that performing as little as 2.5 hours of mindfulness meditation a week for 8 weeks can help reduce anxiety or depression. Walking in nature has also been shown to alleviate depression, and engaging in oxytocin-boosting activities—like hugging a loved one or cuddling with a pet—can also help. If, though, you’re feeling so depressed or anxious that it’s interfering with your life, see a mental health professional. MORE: 10-Minute Meals To Help You Lose Weight CARE FOR YOUR GUMS If your gums bleed when you brush or floss, you may be one of the approximately 50% of adults with periodontal disease, a condition that increases inflammation, setting you up for heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. After age 35, your risk increases, so it’s vital to start practicing healthy gum habits now. After you wake up and before you go to bed, brush, floss, and rinse with a mouthwash (in that order). PROTECT YOUR SKIN If new wrinkles and sun spots seem to appear overnight, chalk it up to cumulative sun exposure and waning estrogen levels, which affect skin’s firmness, elasticity, and moisture, says Lance Brown, a clinical assistant professor of dermatology at New York University School of Medicine. Although you can’t undo the past, you can combat further damage and reduce your risk of skin cancer. Apply a moisturizer and a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher under your makeup daily, even on cloudy days, says Brown. Choose a sunscreen that contains zinc or titanium and avoid any with oxybenzone, which can cause allergic skin reactions and potentially disrupt hormones.

IN YOUR 50s Prioritize clean eating and keep moving.

BATTLE HIDDEN BELLY FAT Now that you’re steadily approaching or past menopause, falling estrogen levels are causing body fat to shift from your hips and thighs to deep within your belly. Known as visceral fat, this deadly tissue does more than ruin the line of form-fitting tops. It wraps around organs and secretes inflammatory markers and other substances that raise your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. To fight belly fat, start by reducing your intake of added sugar, especially in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages. A study published in the journal Circulation found a direct correlation between sweetened beverage consumption and increased visceral fat among middle-aged adults. Resistance training, high-intensity interval exercise, adequate sleep, and a diet low in processed or packaged foods can also help. (Follow these rules if you’re trying to lose belly fat.) PRESERVE YOUR POWER “Once we hit 50, our loss of fast-twitch muscle fibers—the type responsible for the bursts of power you need to cross the street quickly or pick up a heavy bag of groceries—accelerates,” says Westcott. “But the decline in strength and power isn’t inevitable.” Starting or continuing full-body resistance-training sessions at least twice a week will boost metabolism, preserve the quality and health of your muscle, and help you regain the power you’ve lost. Stepping up the intensity of your walks, runs, or cycling will give you an additional boost. “By going a little harder and a little faster—even for 10 to 20 seconds at a time—you’ll help maintain these muscle fibers,” says Westcott. MORE: 10 Strength-Training Myths You Need To Stop Believing EAT FOR HEALTHIER BONES The greatest loss of bone takes place during the first few years after menopause, which occurs at age 51 on average. “You lose not only quantity but also quality of bone,” says Ethel Siris, director of the Toni Stabile Osteoporosis Center at Columbia University Medical Center. To keep your bones as strong as possible, focus on getting 1,000 mg of calcium a day, most of which you can get from food (a cup of calcium-fortified cereal has up to 1,000 mg, and 8 oz of low-fat plain yogurt contain 415 mg). Also ensure that you’re getting 600 IU of vitamin D daily (1,000 to 2,000 IU if you’re already having bone problems like osteopenia or osteoporosis). Additional research shows that eating an anti-inflammatory diet—which is one high in fruits, vegetables, fish, and whole grains—is associated with less bone-density loss and fewer hip fractures in women. Also important: reducing sodium consumption. “Sodium prompts your body to excrete calcium,” warns Bess Dawson-Hughes, director of the Bone Metabolism Laboratory at Tufts University’s USDA Nutrition Center. OPT FOR PLANT-BASED PROTEIN Going meatless on Mondays or vegan at breakfast could add years to your life. Study subjects ages 50 to 65 who reported eating high amounts of animal protein had a 75% greater risk of early death and a fourfold increase in their risk of cancer death during the next 18 years, according to a study in Cell Metabolism. Researchers suggest that eating animal protein can raise levels of IGF-1 and insulin in the body, both of which could promote cancer and diabetes. One of the easiest ways to move toward a plant-based diet: gradually add more meat-free meals to your menu, basing them around beans, lentils, non-GMO soy, nuts, and seeds. (Here are 5 vegan dinners with as much protein as chicken breast.) STAY MENTALLY SHARP If it’s becoming increasingly difficult to remember people’s names or mentally calculate a tip, you’re in good company. Recent research published in PLOS ONE found evidence that significant cognitive decline can occur in women before age 60: Postmenopausal women in their mid-50s showed a reduction in their ability to recall details and events and in how quickly they could perform mental tasks. But there’s a great deal you can do to offset the decline. Stimulating your mind with challenges—such as taking a class or doing crossword puzzles—can help your brain stay healthier as you age. Additionally, a Mediterranean-style diet of fatty fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains; socializing; and physical activity may improve cognition. “Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will help you maintain a healthy brain,” Peeke says. MORE: 4 Surprisingly Rich Mediterranean Recipes That Burn Fat SNUFF OUT SLEEP WOES While trouble falling and staying asleep is one of the most commonly reported complaints during menopause, it’s vital to make getting your z’s a priority. Lack of sleep has been linked to an increased risk of diabetes and obesity and can also drain your mental batteries, making it harder to think clearly. If the standard advice—avoid caffeine after noon, keep your bedroom dark and cool—isn’t working, try a gentle form of yoga. A study published in the journal Menopause found that menopausal women who practiced yoga every day reported better sleep after 12 weeks. If it’s still taking you 30 minutes or more to fall asleep or you’re up for 30 minutes or more during the night at least three times a week, see a sleep specialist. Follow this 20-minute gentle yoga routine: BE KIND TO YOUR JOINTS It’s common for women to feel the first twinges of joint pain in their 50s, but don’t stop moving, says Vonda Wright, an orthopedic surgeon in Pittsburgh. Activity increases strength and flexibility and can actually reduce joint pain. Instead, switch to lower-impact exercise, like walking, swimming, cycling, or yoga. And finally, shed weight if you need to. Losing even 10 pounds can take 100 pounds of pressure off your knees, Wright says.

IN YOUR 60s+ Tailor your approach to wellness so it works for your body.

EMBRACE THE EXTRA POUNDS Now’s the time to stop berating yourself for—or trying to lose—that little bit of extra padding. After reviewing data on BMI and mortality in more than 197,000 people, researchers came to a surprising conclusion: Women and men 65 and older with BMIs of 20 to 25, which is usually considered healthy, had a 12% greater risk of death. While being obese can still put you at risk of major health problems, carrying a little extra weight (so your BMI rises to between 23 and 29.9) helps protect your body if you fall and gives you extra energy to draw on if you get seriously sick, increasing your chance of surviving a disease such as cancer, says Caryl Nowson, study coauthor and a professor of nutrition and aging at Deakin University in Australia. MORE: 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Sex After 60 MODIFY YOUR MOVEMENT “As we age, the musculoskeletal system takes the biggest hit, so it’s important to keep up with regular strength training to safeguard your muscle and fortify your bones,” says Westcott. The caveat: “You may need to do fewer exercises with very careful form, and rest a little longer after each move, for best results.” (Here are 4 strength-training moves you can do in a chair.) Now is also the time to scale back your sweat sessions. If your aerobic activity is making you achy, switch to low-impact activities like cycling or brisk walking, which can still bring big benefits: One study found that women ages 60 and older who walked approximately 3 hours a week experienced a 15% increase in blood flow to their brains and a drop in blood pressure and heart rate. BOOST YOUR BALANCE While you may not be worried about falling now, one in every four adults ages 65 and older takes a spill each year. “Fortunately, balance training can help prevent falls and reduce your risk of injury during exercise,” says Galina Denzel, a certified personal trainer in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. To start, stand on one leg for a few seconds, then repeat on the opposite side, several times a day. Too wobbly? Hold on to a chair and work up to letting go. Then, frequently challenge yourself to get on and off the floor without using your hands, says Denzel. A study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology tested seniors’ ability to get off the floor and found that the easier it was for them, the lower their risk of mortality over the next 6 years. STAY SOCIAL Maintaining connections with family, friends, and community can help ensure a long, happy life. In fact, according to a study from Brigham Young University, loneliness is as bad for your health as obesity is. Leading a solitary life may also make you age faster. When researchers followed men and women in their 70s for 6 years, they found that those who reported loneliness were much more likely to have trouble with simple daily tasks like climbing stairs. (Here are 8 friends every woman needs.) “Relationships are the most important thing when it comes to your health and well-being,” says George E. Vaillant, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “While it can be tough to make new friends as you age, you should think of replacing them as soon as you lose them.” A few ideas: Go to yoga class, attend religious services, or volunteer. MORE: The 7 Elements Of A Fantastic Friend OPT FOR FIBER-FILLED FOODSEating clean, watching your sugar intake, and getting protein from plant-based sources remain key, but now is the time to focus on fiber. Almost 50% of people over 60 have colonic diverticula, sacs that develop in the intestinal wall that can become inflamed and painful. The simple way to slash your risk: Aim for 25 to 35 g of fiber a day. You’ll get 16 g in a cup of cooked lentils, 6.4 g in a cup of cooked whole wheat spaghetti, and 4.4 g in a medium apple with skin. (Try adding more fiber to your diet with these sneaky tricks.) SHORE UP WITH VITAMIN D By the time you turn 70, your skin makes only a quarter of the amount of vitamin D it made when you were 20, says Michael F. Holick, a professor of medicine, physiology, and biophysics at Boston University Medical Center. That deficit may tip the scale toward illness, since vitamin D helps you maintain bone and cognitive health and lowers your risk of infections, type 2 diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. Get your vitamin D level tested, then take a supplement if necessary (600 to 2,000 IU daily; those who are obese may need even more). Also, enjoy “sensible” sunbathing by exposing your arms and legs (without sunscreen) at least twice a week for 10 to 20 minutes between the hours of 10 AM and 3 PM. AGE-PROOF YOUR BRAIN While you may start finding yourself in the kitchen with no idea what you came to retrieve, actual memory loss is often avoidable, according to new research. MRI studies show that adults who exercise regularly have a larger hippocampus (the brain region responsible for memory and learning), which helps keep the mind sharp. It pays to stay intellectually stimulated, too. A 2017 study of people ages 70 and older found that the risk of cognitive impairment decreased 30% with computer use, 28% with craft activities, 23% with social activities, and 22% with playing games. So find a few activities you enjoy, and do them regularly. (Discover the 5 best foods for your brain and other cutting-edge natural tips in Prevention’s Ageless Brain.)