To find out what effect this had on motivation, researchers divided (and tested) 115 participants in three groups: Group one did planks and an abdominal exercise for as long as they could; group two exercised alongside a video recording of someone who was slightly better than them; and group three did the same as group two, only their recordings also gave verbal encouragement, such as “You can do it!” Participants in the video groups were told they could stop when their partner did. When their partner was more skilled and kept verbal encouragement to a minimum, participants worked out longer. Turns out phrases like “Come on, you can do it!” can come off as condescending or even patronizing, hindering rather than helping a person’s sweat session.  Someone who is better than you will keep you inspired, says Will Lanier, general manager of the gym BRICK New York and a certified Cross-Fit coach. “And they’ll give you that extra kick in the butt.” Sound like a difficult person to find? Don’t worry! We asked Lanier about three common workout partnerships and—depending on which one you’re in — how to get a great workout. If you’re working out with your slower friend… “Find strength in the weaker person,” says Lanier. “Switch up your workout to something they’re really good at, like running, so it gives them a positive outlook and encourages them to give it their all.” If you’re working out with your competitive co-worker… Try taking a group class, like indoor cycling or boot camp. “These classes still have a competitive nature, but the two of you are doing the same exact movements,” says Lanier. “It’ll help level the playing field.” (Maximize your results by avoiding these fitness class mistakes.) If you’re working out with your slacker romantic partner… First, be honest and tell them how important it is to get his full support. Then, look at the time you spend together in the gym differently. “Going to the gym together is a good time for romantic partners to nurture their relationship. They get in more quality time and can experience that exercise high together,” says Lanier. (Not to mention exercisers make better lovers.) Bottom line: your goal at the gym is to get better. And if your partner isn’t helping you with your goal, you may want to pair up with someone else, says Lanier. “It’s like finding your gym soul mate. It’s a difficult task, but once you find a person that can really hold you accountable, it’ll make all the difference.” More from Prevention: How Competition Kicks Up Your Fitness