How does one make a Ketchup ’n’ Fries plant? Surprisingly, there’s nothing GMO—or even genetically edited—about it, but a result of a process called grafting. Basically, farmers attach the severed top half of one plant (called the scion, if you’re into botany) to the severed root structure of a second plant (called the rootstock). As the two plants heal, they fuse together into what proponents call “a superplant,” or one that supposedly boasts the heartiness of the root plant and the bright flavors of the scion. Should you be afraid? MORE: Kalettes: The New Super Veggie? While the idea might seem like a novelty (and to a degree, it is), the process itself is nothing new. “Grafting is actually a very safe practice that has been used for thousands of years,” says Chris Gunter, PhD, a horticulturist at North Carolina State University. “Almost all commercial apples are grown through grafting, as are grapes. More recently, grafting has been done with herbaceous vegetable crops in countries where arable land is scare.”. In addition to helping solve the world’s agricultural challenges, grafted plants are reportedly more eco-friendly and healthy. “Grafted vegetables do what GMO was supposed to: more yield with less negative inputs and less chemical usage,” says Alice Doyle, a managing partner at SuperNaturals, which created the Ketchup ’n’ Fries plant. Because grafted plants are less prone to disease, they require fewer pesticides, and their greater strength allows them to grow without the aid of artificial fertilizers, she says.   MORE: Guess What? Your Veggies Are Alive! Of course, you can’t just deep-fry your Ketchup ’n’ Fries plant and have some awesome flavored fries that don’t need sauce—remember that these are still two different plants. But you can try the sensation this spring, when SuperNaturals will begin selling the plant in garden centers in the U.S. No garden center in sight? You can also pre-order the plant ($19.95 + shipping) at and for shipment in late April. MORE: Are Raw Veggies Healthier?