Here, Westcott (coauthor of Get Stronger, Feel Younger) and his associate Rita LaRosa Loud use his findings to help five women reshape their current toning routines with more impressive findings–up to 4 inches off their waists and 5 pounds down on the scale in just 8 weeks.

1. “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” -Arnesse Brown

Arnesse regularly worked out 4 days a week, alternating between traditional 60-minute aerobic classes and 90-minute combo ones that included cardio, weights, and ab exercises. She also did a series of upper-body moves with 6- or 8-pound dumbbells. “I’m in my 40s and in good shape but not satisfied with my triceps,” she says. “For someone who works out as much as I do, I’d like to see a little more definition.”   Expert Rx: Change things up Regular activity keeps you fit and healthy, but if you always do the same exercise with the same weight for the same number of reps, your muscles get bored. “Muscles adapt to repetitive movements and eventually stop developing,” says Westcott. To help Arnesse bust her plateau, he suggested challenging her muscles with the following strategies:   Mix single- and multimuscle movesTo tone a specific area, your workout should include exercises that isolate a trouble spot (single-muscle moves) and those that also work the surrounding muscles. You’ll get better results, says Westcott, because you’re still training the target area but not overloading it to the point of injury.   Practice the 6-second rep Lift for 2 counts, lower in 4–that’s the breakdown that challenges you the most, says Westcott. The reason: Your muscles are strongest during the eccentric contraction, or lowering phase. “Slowing down this part of the exercise makes your muscles work significantly harder,” he says.     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

Sample Workout

One set of 10 reps, 2 or 3 times per week   What you need: bench and set of dumbbells

Chest PressFirms chest, shoulders, triceps Lie faceup on bench, feet on floor, holding dumbbells with arms extended above chest and palms forward. Bend elbows out to sides as you lower weights toward chest in 4 counts (don’t let elbows drop below bench). Press weights up to start position in 2 counts.Bent Over RowFirms upper back, biceps Kneel with right knee and right hand on bench, left foot on floor, and abs tight with back straight from top of head to butt. Hold dumbbell in left hand with arm extended under shoulder, palm facing bench. Pull elbow toward ceiling in 2 counts as you lift weight to rib cage, then lower to start position in 4 counts. Standing Triceps ExtensionFirms triceps Stand with feet hip width apart, abs tight, heels pressed into floor, and arms extended above head holding dumbbell with palms facing each other. Lower dumbbells straight behind head in 4 counts, keeping elbows close to ears; lift up to start position in 2 counts.Arnesse’s results “I was excited to lose almost 5 pounds in 6 weeks, but the best part is there’s a noticeable change in my upper body. When I’m wearing a T shirt, I can see the difference in the backs of my arms. The muscles aren’t bulky at all, they just look nice.” Signature move: Overhead Press     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

2.“I walk but I’m still flabby” -Mary Godley, 39

Although Mary logged 30 to 45 minutes of brisk walking two or three times a week, she still couldn’t get rid of her postbaby flab more than a year after the birth of her daughter. “I used to wear formfitting shirts without feeling self-conscious,” she says. “Now, I always choose loose clothing and cringe if I have to put on anything without sleeves.”   Expert Rx: Add strength-trainingCardio exercises, such as walking and jogging, are great for burning fat and keeping your heart and lungs healthy, explains Westcott, but they do little to build the muscle that gives you a toned look. For that, you need to lift weights. How to get started:   Use heavy-enough weights The amount you lift should be light enough for you to complete at least 8 reps of an exercise using good form, but heavy enough that by the 12th rep, your muscles are so fatigued you can’t imagine doing another one.   Trade dumbbells for a weighted ballMary had tried lifting weights in the past but gave it up because it was “time-consuming and boring.” To spark her interest, Westcott created a routine using a weighted medicine ball (sporting goods stores; $25 to $35). “It’s less intimidating than dumbbells, and many people find that it feels more like play than exercise,” he says. Holding the ball with both hands is also simpler than trying to synchronize dumbbell movements with each hand.     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

Sample Workout

One set of 8 to 12 reps, 3 times per week   What you need: weighted ball

Step HopFirms abs, butt, legs   Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, abs in, and knees slightly bent. Hold medicine ball in front of belly, elbows close to sides. Keeping ball steady, hop to right, balancing on right leg while lifting left knee up to touch ball. Pause 1 count, then hop onto left foot, balancing as you lift right knee up to ball. Pause 1 count. (That’s 1 rep.)   Arm and Leg SwingFirms shoulders, obliques, butt, inner and outer thighs   Stand tall, feet hip-width apart, abs in, and knees slightly bent. Hold medicine ball in front of belly, elbows close to sides. In a slow, controlled motion, lift left leg across right while bringing medicine ball toward left side of body; keep torso facing forward. Pause 1 count, squeezing inner thighs. Then slowly swing left leg out to left side while bringing ball to right side of body. Pause 1 count, contracting outer thigh and glutes. (That’s 1 rep.) Do all reps on right leg, then switch sides and repeat. Tip: Try not to use momentum or arch lower back.   Crunch RollFirms abs   Lie faceup, knees bent, and feet flat on floor. Hold medicine ball on belly. Exhale as you lift head, neck and shoulders off floor, rolling ball up thighs toward knees. Pause at top for 1 count; inhale and roll ball back down thighs to return to start. Mary’s results “The moves were new to me, so I didn’t get bored, and in just 3 weeks, I noticed my pants felt looser. After 8 weeks, I lost 4 inches off my waist and dropped almost 5 pounds.”   Signature move: Knee Lift with Pull-Down     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

3.“I don’t see results with strength training classes” -Tara Healy, 45

When she began losing muscle tone about 5 years ago, Tara started taking an hour-long sculpting class at her gym three times a week using hand weights and doing lots of reps. But after a year and a half, she saw minimal, and then eventually no more, improvement.   Expert Rx: Focus on quality, not quantity Doing numerous reps with lighter weights doesn’t have the same muscle-building effect as doing fewer reps with a heavy weight, says Westcott. Tara can do the same moves from class, but following these tips:   Practice proper form When you churn through dozens of reps, you may start to get tired and sloppy. Instead, focus on every stage of the exercise- -no bouncing, slumping, or jerking allowed.   Lift more To keep muscles challenged, gradually increase both the reps and weight over several weeks. Choose a weight you can lift for 12 reps with proper form. Then move up to a heavier weight next time (say, from 5 to 7 pounds). Start with 8 reps at the new weight, and slowly work back up to 12 reps; then bump up the weight again.   Tara’s results “After 6 weeks, I lost 3 inches around my waist. I developed bad habits in class, but the form fixes were worth the effort because I feel and look more toned. My new routine takes less time, and I get better results.”     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

4. “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” -Sheila Nutt, 59

Ever since she hit her mid-40s, Sheila has watched the pounds gradually pile around her middle–even with her committed routine of 100 crunches and yoga stretches, three mornings a week.   Expert Rx: Target all ab musclesCrunches are great to shape the abs, but you also have to work the hip flexors and obliques to really tone your midsection. How to tweak the crunch, plus some new toning tricks:   Slow down “When you speed through any exercise, your body’s momentum propels the movement, so the muscles don’t have to work as hard and you don’t get results,” says Westcott. Each crunch should take a full 7 seconds–3 seconds to lift, a 1-second hold at the top, and 3 seconds to lower.   Do strength-building yoga moves Poses that require you to support your entire body weight, like the boat or plank, may be among the best at strengthening your core because you have to engage your deep abdominal muscles, often for 30 to 60 seconds.     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

Sample Workout

Two sets; 4 reps, work up to 16 (except half boat and plank), every other day What you need: cushioned surface

  Push PullFirms abs and obliques   Lie faceup, hands behind head, and legs extended 45 degrees off floor. Lift shoul­ders and twist upper body to right, bringing right knee toward left elbow; then left knee to right elbow. (That’s 1 rep.) Plank Firms abs, lower back Lie facedown, resting on forearms, hands flat. Push off floor; keep weight on arms and toes. Keep back in a straight line from head to heels. Hold for 30 counts.   Sheila’s results"Once I started slowing down my crunches and adding the other ab moves to my routine, I felt the muscles all around my midsection working. Within 3 weeks, I could button my favorite pants again. After 6 weeks, my waistline shrank 1 1/2 inches."   Signature move: Half Boat     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

5. “I’m too busy to work out!” -Kelly Fleming, 44

With three children under age 11, Kelly found it hard to maintain a regular routine. “I’d plan to go to the gym on a Saturday morning but end up having to drive one of the kids someplace instead,” she says. When she did work out, she’d often overdo it to make up for missed sessions and then wouldn’t feel like going back for weeks.   Expert Rx: do shorter, regular at-home workouts To keep fit, Kelly needs consistency, not the occasional all-or-nothing routine. “Her marathon exercise sessions may actually have interfered with her progress,” says Westcott. You need time to recover after weight training, which causes microscopic tears in muscle tissue that your body then rebuilds. “One extra-long workout can deplete your energy for days, energy your body needs to get stronger,” Westcott says. To create a routine to fit any busy schedule, he suggests these time-saving tips:   Stick to 20-minute strength-training sessions “According to our studies, it’s just enough time to work every body part and make a difference, but not so much that it feels like a burden,” says Westcott.   Make basic moves harder You don’t need equipment to challenge your muscles–simple variations or a shift in body position can either work the target muscle harder or bring more muscles in play. (See the next page for some ideas to “make it harder.”)     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4

Sample Workout

Do these exercises as a circuit, 10 reps per move, going from one exercise to the next without taking a rest; complete the circuit 3 times through. Do this circuit 2 or 3 times per week.   What you need: seat, cushioned surface   Step-UpFirms butt, legs   Stand facing sturdy seat, feet together, and arms at sides. Place right foot up on seat, knee bent 90 degrees. Pushing into right heel, step left foot onto seat next to right. Slowly step left foot down, then right. Repeat, placing left foot on seat and stepping up with right. (That’s 1 rep.)   Make it harder: Add a high knee lift at the top of your step.     Push-UpFirms chest, arms, abs   Begin in a modified push-up position, hands on floor under shoulders and knees down, forming a straight line from head to hips. Lower chest toward floor, bending elbows 90 degrees; hold for 1 count and press up to start.   Make it harder: Do a full push-up with straight legs.   SquatFirms thighs, butt   Stand with feet hip-width apart, and arms at sides. Bend knees 90 degrees as if sitting in a chair behind you; keep weight over heels (lift arms forward to help you counterbalance). Hold for 1 count and squeeze glutes as you stand back to start position. Make it harder: Jump up between each rep, landing in squat position.   DipsFirms triceps   Sit on edge of seat and grip front edge with hands shoulder-width apart. Extend legs straight in front of body with heels on floor. Lift hips forward, keeping body close to seat. Exhaling, slowly bend elbows 90 degrees behind you, lowering hips toward floor. Inhaling, push back up and repeat; don’t lock elbows at the top.   Make it harder: Lift one leg for first 5 reps; switch legs for second 5 reps.   Kelly’s Results"Working out doesn’t seem like a chore anymore. I saved so much time, and I felt firmer in just 2 weeks. I was even more thrilled to lose 2 1/2 pounds and 1/2 inch off my waist after 6 weeks."   Signature move: Knee-Up   Meet the Expert! Chat with Wayne Westcott, PhD, a leading strength-training expert, about how to firm up faster after 40. He’ll answer your questions the week of September 1 at     “I lift weights but my arms jiggle!” Sample Workout 1 “I walk but I’m still flabby” Sample Workout 2 “I don’t see results with strength training classes” “Crunches and yoga aren’t flattening my belly” Sample Workout 3 “I’m too busy to work out!” Sample Workout 4