Julie Nelson, chairwoman of the university’s economics department, set out to question the conclusions of earlier research on risk-taking among the sexes. She reviewed 24 published studies that explored risk-taking in financial and economic settings. According to those studies, women were more risk-averse than their male counterparts. But not so fast. Upon further review, Nelson says, “instead of difference, similarity seems to be the more prominent pattern.” In other words, at least in financial settings, women and men exhibit relatively similar risk-related behavior. Here’s the catch: The playing field isn’t entirely equal, which means that women might be just as willing to take risks as men, but they’re not always encouraged to do so. “Women are often socialized to take a backseat role,” says Esther Rothblum, PhD, a professor of women’s studies at San Diego State University. “They feel they shouldn’t be the ones taking the risks.” So if you’ve got that risk-taking impulse in you (and we think you do), how can you use it confidently, and constructively? Take Rothblum’s advice, and you’ll have that raise before you know it. Question your fear of failure: Women sometimes bypass risky situations because we fear failure, often due to a combination of “high-level perfectionism, a fear of what other people will think, and low self-esteem,” Rothblum says. If that sounds familiar, you might be taking fewer risks than you could. (Need some inspiration? Check out how three women overcame their fear of failure.) Seek out support: Stop mulling over how other people, like a potential employer or a possible date, will perceive your bold move. Instead, remind yourself of those who’ve got your back—a friend or a family member—when you’re looking to bat a homerun. (If you’re lacking in the support department at home, here’s how to make your husband more sensitive.) Keep it in context: Sure, risks are scary. But they won’t trigger the apocalypse. “So you get rejected. It’s not like the whole world knows, or you’re going to fall off a cliff,” Rothblum says. Instead of worrying about worst-case scenarios, just remember: If you don’t shoot for it, you’ll always wonder. Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: Katie.Drummond@rodale.com