Project co-founders Brian Otis and Babak Parviz say they’re still refining the prototype, but the proposed technology will sense glucose levels in tears with a wireless chip (about as wide as the tip of a ballpoint pen) sandwiched between two layers of soft contact material. Then, it would alert diabetics when glucose levels are heading in the wrong direction, perhaps with mini LED lights. If it sounds futuristic, it is.  “They’re going to have to prove that the glucose levels in tears are actually reflective of what’s going on in the blood, even when blood glucose is changing rapidly,” says Robert Ratner, MD, the American Diabetic Association’s Chief Scientific and Medical Officer. “There are a lot of ‘ifs’ that need to be answered.”  What’s more, says Dr. Ratner, the smart contact could never replace pricking for actual blood glucose levels, because the appropriate action to take varies depending on the number the [blood glucose] test churns out. However, if, years down the road, the contact lens earns the FDA’s seal of approval, it could be a medical game-changer. “An individual who is at risk for hypoglycemia really does need to have an alarm system that warns them if their level is dropping to prevent dangerously low blood sugar or loss of consciousness,” Dr. Ratner says. A non-invasive, hands-free alert system could also bridge the monitoring gap during activities like driving and sleeping, he adds. Ultimately, though the possibilities are exciting, whether or not contacts will fill that role remains unknown.    More from Prevention: 15 Things You Only Ask Google