A Balancing Act

Antidepressants can also create difficulties with arousal and orgasm. (They can affect men too, who may experience erectile dysfunction.) It all has to do with a balance between the neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain. “Antidepressants, especially the SSRIs, only increase serotonin,” explains Dr. Rosenberg. “The lack of increase in dopamine, a chemical in the brain’s pleasure center that we believe is required for maintaining sexual interest, affects satisfactory sexual function.” Depression alone can cause a lack of interest in sex, which can then be worsened by an antidepressant. So the first step is to make sure your depression is being adequately treated. If, however, you noticed that your sexual drive started to nose-dive within 8 to 12 weeks of beginning your antidepressant, the culprit is probably the medication.[pagebreak]

Get the Zing Back

You may find that the sexual side effects improve within 4 to 6 months of beginning the antidepressant as your body adapts to the medication. If not, here are the most effective strategies to kick things up a notch and still effectively treat your depression: Add an antidepressant that increases dopamine. This helps rebalance the neurotransmitters. Dr. Rosenberg recommends Wellbutrin (buproprion) or Remeron (mirtazapine). Serzone (nefazodone) is another option, but there are concerns about liver toxicity. Switch to an antidepressant known to have fewer sexual side effects. Wellbutrin is one such option. Switching can be tricky, according to Dr. Rosenberg, because your depression may not respond as well to another medication as it does to your current one. Ask your doctor about decreasing your dosage. Gradually cutting back may reduce sexual side effects. However, Dr. Rosenberg cautions that reducing your dosage may cause a relapse of the depression, so be sure to only do so under medical supervision. Talk to your doctor about Viagra. If your antidepressant causes a delay in or leaves you unable to have an orgasm, Viagra may help. There’s evidence that it helps some women with this SSRI-induced problem. You may want to try the herbal supplement ginkgo. Case reports and a few studies showed it to be somewhat effective. Dr. Rosenberg recommends 120 mg twice a day. More from Prevention.com: The Herbal Tea That Can Boost Your Libido