Drop the Weight With Our Beginner’s Workout Schedule

  1. Ask about their experience: Be upfront with your trainer about their experience and their success. Ask where they were certified, if they work with a lot of women (and if they’ve ever worked with someone with similar goals to yours), and if they teach any specialty classes. While each session is certainly about you, getting a feel for what they’re into or where their expertise lies is a great gauge of what you’ll expect from your trainer.
  2. Learn what you can expect: There’s no reason you should be thrown into your first session without any sort of grip of what’s to come. Talk about what you can expect from each session or if things will be switched up every week. Also make sure you ask about their schedule! It’s the worst feeling to really vibe with someone and make a connection only to realize that your schedules don’t match up. 5 Tips to Take Your Strength Training to the Next Level
  3. Be honest about where you’re at: If you’re not eating healthfully and you don’t work out regularly, then don’t tell your trainer you only eat kale and that you’re at the gym four times a week. There’s no judgment with your trainer; they’ve seen it all! Being honest with your trainer and yourself can be a huge breakthrough in itself. It will also put your trainer in a optimal position to give you the tools that you need to succeed. And if you don’t see yourself drinking a protein shake every morning or hitting the treadmill before 7 a.m., then don’t tell your trainer that this is no problem. [pagebreak]
  4. Discuss your communication style: If you want someone to yell at you Biggest Loser-style, then make that clear, but if you don’t deal well with someone barking, then that’s OK too! You won’t really know until you’re in the middle of a workout, but being open about what works for you will only help your trainer figure out a plan — and tone — that will be the most beneficial for you. Short, Sweet, and Intense 20-Minute Workout From Bob Harper
  5. Set short- and long-term goals: You’ve hired a trainer because there are things you want to accomplish! Discussing your goals with your trainer will help the two of you commit to a plan. It will be integral for you to discuss how much time you’re willing to put into your training and how your trainer will help you attain them. Mixing your list up with long- and short-term goals will have you focusing on the big picture while getting boosts of confidence along the way. If, after learning more about your trainer, you realize that he or she isn’t the one for you, then talk to your gym or studio about switching to another one. If you need an exit strategy, then read our tips on how to break up with your personal trainer. What to Ask Your Personal Trainer