As it turns out, I didn’t have a tapeworm from my trip to Indonesia. And certainly the weight loss wasn’t from any sort of diet. The simple reality was that I ate—and lived—better while traveling than I ever did at home. Now that I’ve identified the important differences, I’ve learned how to keep my new body happy, even while stuck at home. (Cook quick meals at home that taste great fight fat! and get all the ingredients and recipes delivered to your doorstep.)  and Sign up for Chef’d Here’s how to make like a traveler and lose pounds:

  1. Remember that those potato chips aren’t going to power your day. Food is fuel, remember? You’re supposed to fill your body with things that will give you  energy to get through your day. On the road I try to fill up with foods that won’t make me crash in a few hours. This way I won’t find my tank empty halfway into a walk around a city or partially up a trail. The same lesson works well at home: If you choose quality fuel you’re less likely to feel a gnarl in the gut leading you to a mindless snack. “Adding a few good fats throughout the day helps you feel full and sustains energy through your activities,” says San Diego-based nutritionist Joel Detjen. Same goes for protein and fiber, so opt for nuts, avocado, and lean meat or fish. MORE: This Is Why You’re Still Hungry After You Eat
  2. Go on a strict diet of delightful food only. Enjoying local specialties is one of the tastiest parts of traveling. Whether visiting Seattle’s Pike Place Market for fresh-off-the-boat fish or a neighborhood farm stand in Avignon, France, for delicious fruit and cheese, you’re consuming the best version of that food. Skip plastic-y low-fat cheese in the name of skimping on calories; treat yourself instead to a delectable small square of the real thing from a dairy or bonafide cheese stand. You’ll savor the taste and feel satiated, and less likely to want something else. When you make like you’re on vacation, food becomes pure pleasure, not the enemy that might make you gain weight. The same can be applied to your home life. You’ve probably noticed whatever regional fruit grown in your area will be the tastiest and bursting with nutrients during its peak season, so seek out local options (as opposed to imported produce) first for the freshest possible addition to your diet. [block:bean=pvn-survey-walking-woman-a-06201]
  3. Aim to have sore feet by day’s end.If you were traveling you likely wouldn’t have your car. Instead of driving, use the metro or bus to get to work once a week. Public transport encourages movement while also mixing up your routine. If your town doesn’t have good access to public transit, investigate using a bike to get to work if possible. While at work, try to stay moving. Ask your co-workers if they are game for a walking meeting once a week instead of a sit-down session. Get outside on your lunch break and walk to a new restaurant if possible, or even take a lap around the building after you park your car if walking to different locations isn’t an option. You might not be able to trick yourself into believing you’re on vacation while traipsing through a parking lot, but your metabolism won’t know the difference. (For more easy weight loss tips for results that last, check out Body Fat Breakthrough.)
  4. Leave behind bland American in favor of hot [insert region of the world here] food. Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Wyoming released the latest in a series of studies of the metabolic effects of peppers.  They found a relationship between capsaicin, the stuff that makes pepper spicy, and the energy-burning potential of fat cells.  MORE: 4 Weird Side Effects Of Extreme Weight Loss “Spices actually help warm us up from the inside out, and the elevated body temperature helps us digest more easily and even boosts the immune system at the same time,” Detjen says. You may not have the time or the cash for a slimdown trip to Mexico or India, but you can sweat through a jalapeño or chili- dotted meal as though you’re adventure-eating with the best of ’em.