Strap on an apron, grab a ladle, or pick up that hammer. When you volunteer your time to help others, the people you assist aren’t the only ones to benefit. A massive new review study finds that a few hours of volunteering each week confers an array of health perks for those who pitch in.  A collaborative team of researchers from several institutions compiled data on more than 70,000 seniors. The study team focused their attention on health details and volunteering, and looked specifically at instances of “organizational volunteering,” such as helping strangers in an institutional setting like a soup kitchen or a neighborhood cleanup group. As it turns out, lending a helping hand may significantly reduce a person’s mortality risk: Even after adjusting for several factors, including previous health complications, the study concluded that rates of mortality dropped 24% among those who volunteered regularly. What’s behind this death-defying health boost? When you help strangers in need, the ensuing feelings of usefulness and altruism might cause your brain to produce more oxytocin and progesterone—good-vibe chemicals that curb stress and reduce harmful inflammation, explains study author Morris Okun, PhD, a professor of psychology at Arizona State University.  And because aging is often accompanied by transitions (like retirement) that entail a loss of key roles and responsibilities, Okun notes that volunteering may help give seniors a greater sense of purpose. Indeed, several other studies have shown that volunteer work reduces disease risk and helps older adults recover from bouts of depression.  Your takeaway is simple: Donate your time, and you’ll get back as much as you give. This study didn’t yield any specific guidelines about how often you should volunteer to score a health boost, but previous research has found that 1 or 2 hours a week are enough to enhance wellbeing. More from Prevention: How Volunteering Helps Your Brain Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.