Surprising at it sounds, that’s the provocative suggestion of a new study that examines how vocal pitch affects one’s perceived leadership ability. A research team, writing in the journal PLOS ONE, had 70 men and women listen to various recordings of different voices stating the same message: “I urge you to vote for me this November,” and then decide which candidate they’d be inclined to pick in elections for both a school board leader and a PTA member (both chosen because they tend to be associated with women).  Earlier research by the same team has already shown that men and women prefer masculine voices in the context of political leadership, but the team wondered if that same tendency would exist in the context of more female-oriented positions. “We wondered, with feminized leadership roles, whether people might prefer a higher-pitched voice instead,” says corresponding study author Casey Klofstad, PhD, an associate professor of political science at the University of Miami.  Instead, participants overwhelmingly preferred female candidates with lower voices, the study found. Klofstad and his colleagues aren’t sure why that preference is so pervasive, but suggest it might, in part, be because men have historically held more leadership roles than women. “The research shows that we associate masculine voices with people who are stronger and more competent leaders,” he says. “Of course, whether these leaders actually are more competent or capable is an entirely different question.” More from Prevention: Ace That Job Interview In large part, the pitch of our voices is determined by physiology, but Bill Cassara, a media coach with Clarity Media Group, notes that anyone can tweak their speech—from pitch to pace—in ways that’ll convey greater authority. Looking to get ahead at work? Consider the following tips: Pay attention to lilt The pitch of your voice can be tough to change, but you can (and should) made adjustments to your lilt, Cassara says. “Lilt is a slight upturn of the last few words in a sentence…and actually gives the impression that the statement might be a question, rather than a definitive thought,” he says. “Many women do this as a bad habit because they haven’t absolutely convinced themselves that they belong in the boardroom or as spokespeople.”  Slow it down High-stakes presentations and speeches can fray your nerves, causing you to speed up the pace of your speech without even noticing. Make a conscious effort to slow yourself down, Cassara advises, and deliver each statement with the enthusiasm you want to impart on your audience. “Make sure that each thought gets delivered with the impact you intend it to,” he says. “Passion goes a long way in convincing an audience of your authority, regardless of the pitch of your voice. If you believe in what youre saying, they will too.” Listen to yourself Hearing our own voices can be weird, but Cassara says it’s also key to knowing how we come off. “Record yourself and give an honest critique,” he says. Are you racing through a presentation, or is your voice totally monotone? No wonder your colleagues keep glancing at their Blackberries. “It takes practice, but can have a big payoff in holding peoples attention,” Cassara suggests of practice with a recorder. “Sometimes a mid-sentence pause and a whisper is just as effective as banging a gavel on the table.” More from Prevention: How To Hate Your Job Less Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team! Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: