The study, published in the journal Neurology showed that elderly people whose diets were rich in certain vitamins and nutrients were less likely to have brain shrinkage and more likely to perform well on cognitive tests than those with unhealthy diets. Brain shrinkage and cognitive decline are both parts of aging, however Alzheimer’s disease can accelerate them. This groundbreaking research may lead to dietary recommendations to improve brain health. Play Your Way to Better Brains Unlike prior studies, which were observational studies that relied on participants remembering what they ate, this study measured nutrient levels in the blood of 104 elderly, but healthy people. The researchers checked levels of vitamins B, C, D, and E, saturated fat, carotenoids, omega-3 fatty acids, cholesterol, and trans fats. Then, all the participants completed memory and thinking tests, and 42 also completed MRI scans that measured brain size and structure. The researchers found that the following nutrients played a role in brain size and functioning:

Participants with diets high in vitamins or omega 3 fatty acids were less likely to have brain shrinkage than those with less nutritious diets.Participants with high levels of vitamins B, C, D and E and omega-3 fatty acids scored better on the mental-function tests.Participants with higher levels of trans fats scored lower on these tests and had particular trouble with language and memory skills.

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are often found in fish, such as salmon and mackerel, and other sources of omega-3s include flaxseeds and walnuts. Vitamin D can also be found in fortified cereals and some dairy products. Good sources of vitamins B, C, and E include, respectively, fish and starchy vegetables, citrus fruits and peppers, and nuts and green vegetables. Trans fats, on the other hand, are often in packaged foods like cookies and crackers, fried foods, and some margarines.  The results of this study are particularly exciting because even when researchers controlled for Alzheimer’s risk factors, such as age, gender, and genetic mutations, diet explained 17% of the differences in test scores. When they looked at brain size, diet explained 37% of the differences. Though researchers are still studying whether individual nutrients, or the combination of them as a whole, contribute to better (and bigger) brains, this study shows promise for the future of Alzheimer’s research. It’s possible that experts will eventually use dietary modifications to boost memory, increase attention, and improve other brain functions.