Researchers from the University of Otago in New Zealand administered a pill of either vitamin D or a placebo to 322 healthy adults. For a year and a half, the scientists recorded the frequency and duration of participants’ colds. The results? Although the group popping the supplement almost doubled their levels of vitamin D, it didn’t help them kick the common cold. The D group only got 18 fewer colds than the placebo group, a scientifically insignificant amount, say researchers. Each person in the study got about four colds that lasted 12 days each. One thing to note is that all of the study participants had near-normal levels of vitamin D, so it’s unclear how the dosage would affect populations with a deficit. (As many as three out of four of us are deficient in vitamin D; here’s how to get enough.) While there’s still no cure-all yet for cold and flu, here are three ways to boost your immune system and raise the healthy odds in your favor:

  1. Eat your superfoods. These nine cold-fighting foods are packed with secret weapons like probiotics and L-theanine. Garlic, tea, and the rest of the gang should be regulars in your pantry when the weather turns. And nix your sweet tooth: Eating lots of sugar temporarily impairs your white blood cells. 
  2. Say ouch. You don’t have to like it, but you definitely should get a flu shot. They’re about 60% effective in preventing the bug, especially when taken at the start of flu season—which is right now! (Click here if you need more convincing that you need a flu shot.)  
  3. Staunch your sniffles. Once your nose starts to run, there’s not much you can do to prevent getting a cold. But you can speed up recovery with our 11 soothing tips, like sipping the ultimate flu-fighting beverage.