Researchers from the University of California, Davis, set out to investigate the effects of triclosan—a germ-killing compound in personal care and household products such as anti-bacterial soaps, toothpaste, makeup, mouthwash, trash bags and bedding—in a series of animal studies. Their findings? Even moderate triclosan exposure significantly reduced muscular strength and cardiac function among mice, and slowed the swimming pace of fish. While more research is needed to show whether triclosan has similar effects on people, the findings are certainly alarming. “They give us clear reason to reconsider whether the benefits of triclosan really outweigh the risks for consumers,” says lead study author Isaac Pessah, PhD, chair of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine’s Department of Molecular Biosciences.  This isn’t the first time that the safety of triclosan has been called into question. Earlier research has also suggested that triclosan might harm the human thyroid system, reduce immunity, and make us more resistant to the benefits of antibiotic medications. (See our earlier report on triclosan in The Toxin In Your Toothpaste.)   As for triclosan’s alleged benefits? The verdict is anything but stellar. According to the FDA, the agency “has not received evidence that triclosan provides an extra benefit to health,” when added to personal care or household products. Avoiding triclosan altogether is no easy task. But according to Sonya Lunder, a senior analyst with the Environmental Working Group, cutting out the riskiest sources of triclosan—those products that involve the most direct exposure—is possible. She suggests the following tips to steer clear of the sketchy substance: Skip “antibacterial” anything: From shoe insoles to pillowcases, triclosan shows up in surprising places, says Lunder. If a product boasts “germ-killing,” “antibacterial,” or “odor-killing” properties, check the label for triclosan—but don’t stop there. According to Lunder, household products won’t necessarily have triclosan on the label, meaning your best bet is to check online for more product information. Can’t tell? Lunder says she skips products that aren’t clear because odds are, they have triclosan unless marked otherwise.  Peruse personal care product packaging: Personal care products containing triclosan as an active ingredient are required to list the chemical on their labels. In particular, avoid products with triclosan that come into direct contact with your body. “If you’re using it in something like toothpaste,” says Lunder, “that’s really our biggest concern.” Have faith in hot water: Several studies have shown that soaps and dishwashing liquids with triclosan don’t do a better job than their old-fashioned alternatives. “Hot water and soap are entirely sufficient,” says Lunder. (See our tips on the safest way to kill germs.)   Go organic. Try out organic personal care products, which are free of this harmful chemical. For recommendations, check out the site No More Dirty Looks or look for triclosan-free personal care products through the Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep database.  Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: