When it comes to losing weight, your own mind can be your biggest enemy, whether it’s talking yourself out of a workout or throwing a mental tantrum when your skinny coworker indulges in yet another handful of the office M&Ms (Where is she putting them?? I mean, seriously. Where?!?). As hard as it can seem, changing your inner dialogue is vital to hitting your goals—and it takes a lot of the stress and drama out of the journey. “It’s completely possible to reframe those self-defeating thoughts,” says celebrity trainer Rachel Cosgrove. Learn to trash these 7 destructive thoughts for a more positive outlook, and you might find the process of dropping pounds is actually—believe it or not—rather enjoyable. Destructive thought: “I shouldn’t deprive myself.“How many times has this thought crossed your mind as you’re staring down the bread basket or considering dessert? After all, everyone else is getting to eat those things. But once you go down this road, it’s very hard to stick to a healthy eating plan without feeling like your life sucks. The result: You cave. And if it’s happening regularly, it’s keeping you from hitting your goals.Change it: The exact definition of “deprivation” is: the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessitates in a society. The key word here: necessities. Food, in general, is certainly a necessity. But a brownie? You get the point. So the next time this thought whispers across your brain, take a step back and ask yourself two questions. 1: Am I really depriving myself of a necessity? And 2: If I don’t change my eating habits, what am I really depriving myself of? The answer: A healthier, happier life. Keep that in mind and you’ll happily pass up the junk, says Cosgrove. Destructive thought: “I’ll start tomorrow.“This is a biggie, isn’t it? We’ve all said this to ourselves at one point or another, whether it was about cleaning up our eating or getting back to our workouts. And we also know what usually happens: “tomorrow” never comes and you get stuck in a vicious cycle of putting off change.Change it: The moment you think “I’ll start tomorrow,” ask yourself what little step forward you can make RIGHT NOW. Not later in the day, but that exact moment. Can you make a small tweak with what you’re about to order for lunch, or refill your water glass before you type another email? It might feel scary to make changes, but the sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll see results. You can do this.  Destructive thought: “I don’t have the time.” Photo by Anthony Harvie/Getty Images When you get out of the habit of regular exercise, it’s all too easy to blame it on your busy schedule—there’s only 24 hours in a day, right? But here’s the thing, your days aren’t ever going get longer. “People always talk about finding the time to exercise,” says Cosgrove, “but it’s nowhere to be found. You have to make the time for yourself.“Change it: Instead of telling yourself, “I don’t have time,” say, “I choose not to exercise today. Instead, I’m choosing to watch TV, or to stay late at work,” or whatever else you’ve got going on. Reminding yourself that you’re making a choice on how to spend your time makes it a lot harder to let yourself off the hook—but it’s also empowering. It reminds you that you do have control over your day and what happens within those 24 hours. If you’re skipping a workout, that’s OK, but do it because you choose to. MORE: 9 Weight Loss Tips For Crazy-Busy People Destructive thought: “No one else has to work as hard as I do.“We all indulge our inner drama queen from time to time, but let’s be real: Sure, there are people out there who have it easier than you. But there are plenty of people who have it harder, too, and some of them are still finding ways to outsmart their genetics and life situations to take control of their health. “Just saying this kind of defeatist thinking out loud gives it power,” says Cosgrove. “If you say it long enough, it’ll start to be true.“Change it: Replace the negative mantra with something positive, like, “I’m determined to succeed,” and watch how quickly things change. Instead of dwelling on the things you can’t change, focus on improving the things that you can. And even if it doesn’t seem like it, remember—you’re in control. (Check out these other fitness mantras that can help motivate you.) Destructive thought: “I just have a slow metabolism.“When you’re eating well and working out regularly but still not seeing results, it’s definitely easier to blame it on your genes than to take a hard look at what you’re doing—or not doing. And while it’s true that some people are genetically predisposed to being overweight, there are tons of possibilities for why you’re not losing weight, most of them leading back to your own habits.Change it: Instead of sitting back and placing the blame on something you can’t control, replace that power-robbing thought with the truth: “I have the power to change my health and fitness.” Whether it’s fitting in a few muscle-building moves throughout your day, stepping up the intensity of your workouts, or choosing smarter snacks, there are plenty of things you can do to step up your metabolism—and none of them involve pointing the finger at something beyond your control. Destructive thought: “I’ll just have a few bites.” Photo by Brian Klutch/Getty Images How many times have we all told ourselves that lie, only to wind up scraping the bottom of the ice cream tub? If you decide to “give in” to a food, you’re probably going to feel guilty for “cheating” on your diet before the first bite hits your taste buds. And when you feel guilty, you tend to tend to eat more…well, you know how it goes.Change it: Be honest with yourself. If you’re going to indulge, make the choice to enjoy every single bite, and then move on to healthier foods at your next meal. Research shows that people who forgive themselves for diet slip-ups are much more likely to go back to healthy eating the next time they pick up the fork.  MORE: 9 Things To Say To Yourself When You Fall Off The Bandwagon Destructive thought: “I worked out today, I deserve this treat.” It’s tempting to reward yourself after a tough workout, but your real reward should be the healthier life you’re working toward—not a piece of chocolate cake. Plus, research shows that when we try and reward ourselves with food after exercising, we can actually end up overcompensating and taking in even more calories than we just burned off. Eating after a workout should be about refueling, not undoing all your hard work.Change it: Instead of drooling over a sweet treat, stay focused on your goal and how great you feel from getting your sweat on. Then, factor in how the food you’re about to eat will influence that happy buzz. Will it make you feel better, or sluggish and weighed down? If it’s the latter, think, “I worked out today, I feel great. Why ruin it?” and refuel with a healthier option.  Additional research by Victoria Wolk MORE: 5 Surprising Ways To Feel Better About Your Body—Fast