To ease your way into slumber, do these 9 relaxing moves in bed at night. (One advantage of stretching in bed: easy access to props like pillows and blankets!) Hold each posture for at least 10 breaths, and feel free to remain in the restorative poses—supported child’s pose, supported wide-legged forward fold, supported goddess pose, and legs-up-the-wall—for a few minutes. (Got 10 minutes? Then you’ve got time to lose the weight for good with Prevention’s new 10-minute workouts and 10-minute meals.)

Easy Supine Twist

This gentle twist calms the lower back. Resting on your back, bring your arms into a T-shape in line with your shoulders, and drop your knees over to the right. Place a pillow in between your knees to support your lower back, and keep your gaze straight up at the ceiling to minimize tension in the neck. Hold for 10 breaths, and switch sides. 

Modified Happy Baby

This hip-opening pose helps combat fatigue and stress, and releases the groin, spine, and outer hips. Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, grab your calves, and pull your knees down toward your armpits. Try to keep your feet flat, as if they were waiter’s serving trays that must stay parallel to the ceiling.  If you have a neck injury, place your head on a pillow to keep your cervical spine in one long line. Prevention Premium: If You Want An Energized, Pain-Free Body, Then It’s Time To Rethink Your Every Step

Reclining Hand-To-Big-Toe Pose

Trying to alleviate tension in your lower back? This wonder pose targets lower back stiffness, balances the pelvis, and improves digestion—all while stretching the calves, hamstrings, and inner thighs.  Lie down, with your legs dangling off the edge of the bed, and both feet flat on the floor. Put a pillow underneath your head to support your cervical spine. Keep your left foot flat on the floor, and extend your right leg straight up to the ceiling. Interlace your fingers on the back of the right thigh, and simultaneously pull your thigh in toward you with your hands while pushing it back into your hands. Hold for 10 breaths, and switch sides. If you have tight hamstrings, keep a slight bend in the knee of your lifted leg.  If you have a hamstring-attachment injury or are experiencing diarrhea, skip this pose.

Supported Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is grounding and calming. Sitting on your heels, bring your big toes to touch and take your knees slightly wider than your hips. Place a rolled blanket or a stack of pillows in front of you, and lean forward so they are underneath your torso. Turn your cheek to the side. Hold for 1-2 minutes. Halfway through the pose, turn your cheek to the opposite side.  Skip to the next pose in this sequence if deeply bending your knees in this position is painful.

Puppy Pose

A cross between downward facing dog and child’s pose, puppy pose is a delightful, whole-body stretch that elongates and stretches the spine and shoulders. Get on all fours, stacking your hips directly over your knees, and keeping your hands shoulder-distance apart. Crawl your hands away from you. Place your forehead on a pillow and let your jaw dangle off the pillow, so you can breathe. Slightly pull the skin of your brow down towards your nose to send a subtle message for the brain to relax. Hold for 10 breaths and release.  If your knees or lower back are sensitive, roll up a blanket and place it between your knees and calves.

Locust Pose

This full-body stretch is a breath of fresh air. It strengthens the back and the abdomen, alleviates upper back and neck tension, and opens the shoulders and the neck. Come down onto your belly, and extend your legs behind you. Bring your feet hip-width distance apart, and press into your toes. Interlace your hands behind your back, and reach your hands back toward your feet, drawing your shoulder blades together and lifting your torso off the bed. Tuck your chin slightly in toward your chest to lengthen the back of the neck. Hold for 5-10 breaths and release. When you release, wiggle your hips gently from side to side to release your lower back. If your shoulders are tight, place a towel between your hands to create more space in your upper back. MORE: 4 Relaxing Exercises That Aren’t Yoga

Supported Wide-Legged Forward Fold

Because forward folds are calming and cooling, this wide-legged version is a perfect pose to help you wind down before bed. Sit on the bed with your legs in a straddle position. Pile a mound of pillows in front of your torso and fold forward. Hold for 1-2 minutes.  If it’s hard for you to sit upright before you fold forward, place a folded blanket underneath of your behind to give you a little lift and to encourage a natural curve in your lumbar spine.

Supported Goddess Pose

In Sanskrit, this pose is called supta baddha konasana, and it relieves stress while stimulating abdominal muscles and improving circulation. Supta baddha konasana gently stretches the inner thighs, groins, and outer hips. Lie down, bring the soles of your feet together to touch, and open your knees out toward the sides of the bed. Place either rolled blankets or pillows under your knees to support your legs, and place a pillow under your head for support. Hold for 1-2 minutes.  MORE: 6 Times You Should Never Stretch

This stress-busting pose alleviates lower back pain and headaches and promotes circulation. It’s the ideal end to your restful practice. Place one pillow up against your headboard, place your hips on top of the pillow, and swing your legs up the headboard. Softly bend your knees, and place a folded blanket or pillow underneath your head.  If you have glaucoma or hypertension, skip this pose.