Dubbed the “O-Shot,” this non-surgical method harvests a woman’s own healing agents (also known as platelets) and applies them to two areas, one near the clitoris and the other inside the vagina. “Because [these cells] increase blood flow and improve the integrity of the clitoral and vaginal tissue, the shot improves sexual arousal, the likelihood of orgasm, and the quality of that orgasm,” says Samuel Wood, MD, PhD, founder and medical director of The La Jolla Centre for Sexual Health in La Jolla, California, where the clinical trials are taking place. “This all-natural treatment harnesses a woman’s natural ability to heal, regenerate, and rejuvenate tissue,” says Dr. Wood, who is co-creator of the shot.  Here’s how it works: A small amount of the woman’s blood is taken, and the cells and liquid part of the blood (plasma) are separated from each other, Dr. Wood explains. Platelets, one of the three main cells found in the blood, are purified and concentrated. These cells act as “first responders,” immediately traveling to any site in the body that needs repair. Once activated, they direct a healing response by releasing growth and regeneration factors. “One of their most important effects is to cause a rapid increase in stem cells, which can then differentiate or be transformed into any of the types of tissue that are needed for repair and rejuvenation,” says Dr. Wood.  Women who previously had a normal sexual response but find that it’s dwindled over time are the best candidates, says Dr. Wood. The shot, which costs $1500, takes effect immediately for some women and within a few hours for others, although the long-lasting prognosis has not yet been determined. Side effects may include scarring and infections. But does it work? Experts caution that what sounds too good to be true probably is. “I hate to say it, but this sounds like pure unadulterated crap to me,” says Mary Jane Minkin, MD, Prevention advisor and clinical professor of obstertrics, gynecology, and reproductive sciences at Yale University. “I would certainly like to see some prospective randomized studies on this before I’d ever believe it.”  Dr. Minkin’s recommendation: Speak with your gyn health care provider if you’re having issues. If your doc thinks increasing pelvic blood flow is a good idea, you can discuss ways that could work for you. More from Prevention: A Natural Way To Boost Your Libido