The researchers aren’t sure exactly how the two ailments are related. But both involve abnormal amounts of brain chemicals like dopamine and serotonin, which could eventually help explain the connection, says study coauthor Albert Yang, MD, PhD, of Taipei Veterans General Hospital. It’s also not clear whether depression causes Parkinson’s or is simply an early indicator of the disease, Dr. Yang says.  Should you be worried? That depends. “The onset of depression in the elderly can be a red flag,” Dr. Yang says. His research shows depressed adults older than 65 and younger adults who suffered from long-term, hard-to-treat depression were the most at risk for Parkinson’s. Mild, periodic bouts of the blues weren’t linked to the disease, he adds.  However, if you’re older than 65 and suddenly feel depressed, ask your doctor to screen you for neurodegenerative issues, Dr. Yang says. For younger adults, there’s only cause for worry if you suffer from major depressive symptoms—feeling down all day, every day without explanation, fatigue and sleeping problems, weight fluctuations, and suicidal thoughts. Young or old, a healthy lifestyle may be your best defense, Dr. Yang says. That means plenty of exercise and a vegetable-heavy diet, both of which have been linked to improved DNA health and low rates of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s.     More from Prevention: The Anti-Depression Diet