According to study author Cathy Wyse, a research fellow at the University of Aberdeen’s Institute of Biological and Environmental Science in the United Kingdom, being exposed to artificial light disrupts our circadian rhythms, or biological clock, which helps regulate sleep cycles. When this happens, it can lead to a condition called circadian desynchrony, in which our metabolism is thrown so out-of-whack that it can ultimately lead to obesity. More from Prevention: What’s Your Body Rhythm Type?  “Light is the most potent signal in the environment for the physiological clock,” says Wyse. Which means that making it light when it’s not supposed to be—à la light bulbs—can seriously screw with our natural cycles.  But given that living lights-off isn’t exactly practical, what can we do to limit the potential harm of the bulb? Try these tips to get your biological clock back on track: Tread cautiously with saturated fats. Especially before bed. Why? A slew of studies find that foods containing saturated fat, like red meat and most dairy products, disrupt circadian rhythms. That means eating them near bedtime can impair your sleep. (Find the best bedtime eats with Eat Your Way To Better Sleep.) Let the sun shine in. Ten to 15 minutes of morning sunlight will send a strong timekeeping signal to your brain’s clock, making your body less susceptible to the confusing—weaker—signals from lights at night, says Mariana Figueiro, PhD, a researcher at the Lighting Research Center in Troy, NY. Two options: Go for a stroll outdoors first thing in the morning or have your breakfast by a sunny window. (Always waking up on the wrong side of the bed? See 4 Ways To Become a Morning Person.) Don’t wind down with the tube. A little Letterman before bed seems innocent enough, but late-night lights can delay your body’s production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. A better idea: music. A Taiwanese and American study found that listening to soft music 45 minutes before bed can improve sleep quality and quantity by 35%.  More from Prevention: The Connection Between Light And Cancer Practice a little Tai Chi. A recent Oregon Research Institute study found that the meditative movements of Tai Chai may modify circadian rhythms and put a stop to those sleepless nights. That builds upon a separate study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showing this Chinese martial art can help relieve fibromyalgia pain. (Ready to get started? We’ve got you covered with 3 Reasons You Should Try Tai Chi.)