The research: Triggered by stress, injury, or infection, inflammation can lead to all kinds of health issues, from heart disease to arthritis. And since nothing stresses people out more than strained relationships with friends, family, and significant others, researchers from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill wanted to see just how much that might impact inflammation. So they analyzed 647 adults who participated in the Midlife Development in the United States study from 1995 to 2009, which looked at the many factors that contribute to health and well-being. Topics on social support asked questions like how understood people felt by their spouse, and how often friends or family members got on their nerves and made demands of them. Pairing those answers with the biological data from a biomarkers assesment (biomarkers of inflammation include C-reactive protein, which you can read more about here), researchers found that stress from long-term social strain significantly increased a person’s risk for chronic inflammation. How? Stress inhibits anti-inflammatory signals, say researchers. Chronic stress is connected to changes in C-reative protein (and not for the better) and your immune system.  And in an interesting twist, all social support is not created equal. While researchers did find health benefits to spousal and friend support, it was modest compared to family support—both immediate and extended. Researchers admit more research needs to be done before they can definitively explain why, but they speculate it’s because these relationships endure longer than others. In other words, it’s time to make nice with your mother-in-law. Bottom line: This research continues to build on a body of science that says a supportive social circle is the easiest way to stay healthy. And if relationships with some of your friends and family are less than ideal, consider reconnecting with these 14 helpful tips. More from Prevention: 9 Must-Have Friends