Confusing, right? Researchers at several major U.S. universities agreed, which is why they set out collectively to learn more the complex relationship between dietary yeast and gut health. What they found: After a series of cultured cell and rat experiments, they discovered that just one single bacterium—Bacteroides thetaiotomicron, or B theta—is responsible for hunting down and digesting yeast sugars called mannans, which are found on the surface of every yeast cell. Scientists have known about the existence of this bacetrium for a while (it’s estimated to make up about 5% of all bacteria in the colon), but the discovery of its yeast-eating function, published this month in the journal Nature, could have big implications for gut health. MORE: 4 Easy Ways To Boost Your Gut Bacteria Photo by Cesar Herrera Photography/Getty Images Here’s why: “People with inflammatory gut diseases like Crohn’s have less of this bacteria,” explains study co-author Wade Abbott, PhD, a scientist at the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center at the University of Georgia. “So there’s potential to offset some symptoms by treating [people] with this bacteria, which can degrade those yeast carbohydrates.” But there’s still a long way to go on this front, Abbott stresses. “The idea that we can positively select for beneficial bacteria by consuming probiotics or certain carbohydrates is really a frontier in science.” And there’s no way the researchers know of—at least not yet—to increase the amount of B theta in our guts through diet. Still, the paper is an important step toward decoding our mysterious microbiome. “We’re excited about finding evidence of the correlation between diet, how diets evolve, and the response of our bacteria,” Abbott says. Here’s hoping we can celebrate with a glass of beer—and chaser of B theta—soon. MORE: Fecal Transplants Are On The Rise—Meet 2 Guys Who Make Poop Their Lives