In a series of studies involving mice and humans, the research team identified a gene called “MRAP2”. When working properly, your MRAP2 gene tells your brain when it’s time to increase your body’s metabolism and reduce your appetite, which helps limit your food intake and weight. But among those with a mutated MRAP2 gene, this brain-signaling and weight-lowering mechanism is disrupted.  Genetically mixed-up mice grew to twice the size of their normal mouse buddies while consuming the same amount of food, the research published in the July 19 issue of Science shows. In fact, they had to eat fully 15% less than genetically normal mice in order to stay the same weight, the researchers discovered.  The study team then went looking for the MRAP2 gene mutation among overweight humans, and found it among some of those suffering from severe, early-onset obesity—meaning a BMI over 30 before age 10. While just 1% of the obese people tested carried the MRAP2 gene mutation, it’s possible that similar mutations affect a larger proportion of overweight individuals, explains study co-author Joseph A. Majzoub, MD, chief of endocrinology at Boston Children’s Hospital.  It’s not clear what causes the gene mutation. But it’s possible this unfortunate genetic snafu evolved in order to help people retain much-needed energy and weight during times of extreme food shortage, the researchers say.  What can you do about it? Unfortunately, there’s no way for doctors to go into your body and fix this sort of genetic aberration, Majzoub says. Dieting and exercise are your first and most-promising options, he advises. But if those don’t work for you, some medications or even bariatric surgery are possible remedies in situations where your weight may be threatening your health or your life.  More from Prevention: Is Obesity a Disease?
 Obesity and America: How We Got So Fat