The problem is the amount of time we spend parked on our rear ends. We once spent our days squatting and standing in the fields, literally working our butts off, but now we sit in front of computer screens, steering wheels, and TVs. And our butts have adapted by giving us bigger, softer cushions to sit on. What’s more, the back end is the female body’s fuel pantry. It’s where your body stores the fat reserves to draw on when babies need nourishment and food is scarce. Because it serves such an important function, that fat can be stubborn and is often the last to budge. (Looking for the perfect strength training routine that will help you shape your butt and lose weight, in only 10-minutes a day? Then you need to try Prevention’s Fit In 10 DVD!) But don’t despair if your back end is a particularly troublesome spot; creating a strong, jiggle-free butt is not impossible. By including a few glute-specific exercises in your training regimen, you can make a visible difference in a short amount of time, especially if you also step up your fat-burning aerobic activity, which helps thin out the fat layer on top of your newly firmed buttocks. (This no squat belly, butt, and thighs workoutcan help shape your lower body.) And a firm, flab-free butt does more than just sit pretty in your jeans. It gives you the strength to bound up stairs, play tag with your kids, and excel in every sport you play. Lift, Shape, and Contour The following exercises are designed to target the gluteal muscles, or the “glutes.” These muscles include the gluteus maximus, which makes up the roundest, fullest part of the butt and the lower butt; the gluteus medius, which runs along the outside of the butt and hip area; and the gluteus minimus, which sits between the medius and the maximus. Getting Started If you’re brand new to weight training, incorporate one or two of these exercises into a full-body routine. If you already work out but want a firmer rear, tack on a few of these exercises to your routine. Start with one set of 10 to 12 repetitions and work up to two sets of 12 to 15. Rest for 20 seconds between sets. What to Expect Expect your butt to burn. Start slowly, and gradually build your reps and sets so that you don’t become too sore right from the start. MORE: 10 Slimming Smoothi Recipes Safety First Your back is an important stabilizer during many of these exercises, and you don’t want to put too much stress on it. Start with a very light weight or no weight at all until you have the motions down. Perform the exercises slowly, using your muscles, not momentum, to do the work. Keep your back flat and in a neutral position, and avoid any arching or hunching during the exercises. Results Perform the exercises 2 or 3 days a week (just not on consecutive days; your muscles need a rest), and you’ll feel significantly stronger after just 3 to 6 weeks. After 6 to 8 weeks, you’ll start seeing and feeling an improvement in your butt’s firmness and appearance.

The Exercises

All-Fours KickbackMedia Platforms Design Team1. Wearing ankle weights, get down on your forearms and knees (similar to the hands-and-knees position, but you bend your arms and support your weight on your forearms instead of your hands). Keep your back straight and your head in line with your back so that your eyes are looking down. (If you don’t have ankle weights, this 10-minute lower body routine will get you results.) Media Platforms Design Team 2. Keeping your back straight and leg bent, slowly swing your right leg back and lift your right foot toward the ceiling until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Your foot should remain flexed throughout the exercise. Hold for 1 second, then return to the starting position. Do one set with your right leg, then switch and repeat with your left. Don’t arch or hunch your back during the exercise. This will prevent you from putting stress on your back. You can also make the exercise easier by doing it without ankle weights. If you don’t have ankle weights, you can do the exercise with a light dumbbell held behind the knee in the crook of your working leg. MORE: 10 Exercises That Burn More Calories Than Running   Dog Walk

  1. Get down on all fours with your arms fully extended, your palms on the ground, your back straight, and your head in line with your back so that your eyes are looking down. Media Platforms Design Team 2. Contract your glutes and, keeping your knee bent, raise your left leg out to the side at a 90-degree angle until it is parallel to the floor. (The position resembles a dog lifting its leg on a fire hydrant, hence the name Dog Walk.) Pause, then return to the starting position. Do one set with your left leg, then switch and repeat with your right. (Try these3 tricks to make legs look their best.) Remember, while doing this exercise, keep the rest of your body still; swaying back and forth can put unwanted stress on your back.   Side-Lying Side KickMedia Platforms Design Team
  2. Lie on your left side, resting your head on your upper arm, and place your right hand on the floor in front of you for support. Bend your lower leg back for balance, and bend your top leg toward your chest, holding it in front of you so that it’s parallel to the floor with your foot flexed. Media Platforms Design Team 2. Keeping the rest of your body stationary and your top foot flexed, slowly straighten your right leg up and out at a 45-degree angle from your body. Pause, then slowly bend the top knee and return your leg to the starting position. Do one set with your right leg, then roll over and repeat with your left. Lift Tips Avoid swaying forward or back during the exercise; keep your body completely stationary, except for the working leg. You can make this exercise more challenging by adding light ankle weights. MORE: 9 Power Foods That Boost Immunity   Standing Press BackMedia Platforms Design Team
  3. Wearing ankle weights, stand facing a sturdy chair with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold on to the chair for balance and keep your knees soft. Media Platforms Design Team 2. Keeping the rest of your body stable and your hips stationary, contract your glutes and slowly extend your right leg up and back at a 45-degree angle. Pause, then slowly return back to the starting position. Do one set with your right leg, then switch and repeat with your left. (Here are 4 additional toning moves you can do with a chair.) Resist the urge to bend way forward while raising your legs. Standing close to your supporting chair can help.
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