The Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “Super Green” list identifies the fish that come from the least-pressured habitats, are free of industrial pollutants like mercury and dioxins, and contain the highest levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Below are some of the selections from the list of best fish choices that you can use to conjure up dinner ideas. Download the full list (or the smartphone app from your cell phone service’s app store) to keep these suggestions handy while shopping.

  1. Pole-Caught Albacore TunaBefore you write off all tuna as toxic and laden with mercury, there is good news: Troll- or pole-caught albacore tuna caught in western US and Canadian waters have lower levels of mercury than tuna caught in other areas of the world, as these fish are generally younger and therefore have had less time to build up high levels of the poison. Environmentally, trolling and pole-fishing have less of an impact on other species than net-fishing does because there’s no risk that other, non-tuna species will be harmed. This type of tuna won’t be easy to find in the average grocery store, but you can buy it online. American Tuna brand sells canned tuna caught in well-managed fisheries certified by the Marine Stewardship Council; purchase it online from Heritage Foods USA. Other brands include Pacific Fleet, MaryLu Seafoods, Wild Planet, and Wild Pacific Seafood.
  2. Wild-Caught Salmon From Alaska are healthier for you than the farmed kind, and avoid the environmental harms of fish-farming. Both varieties of the fish have roughly the same levels of heart- and brain-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, but farmed salmon have twice as much unhealthy saturated fat as wild. And finding wild salmon is getting easier. As of last year, mass-retail chain Target eliminated farmed salmon from their shelves, instead stocking only salmon and salmon products certified by the Marine Stewardship Council, one of the best verifiers of sustainable seafood. Starved for salmon recipe ideas? Use it in place of tuna for salmon-salad sandwiches, or try it in .  Wild salmona creamy white bean soup MORE: How A Whole Foods Employee Spends Her Whole Paycheck
  3. Farmed OystersAre oysters truly an aphrodisiac? The scientific community doesn’t seem to think so, but these mollusks do contain high levels of zinc, which can improve a man’s sexual health. If you’re planning an oyster supper anytime soon, here are a few important points to remember. First, oysters are sold alive, so never put them in a plastic bag (that basically suffocates them). The best way to store them is in a burlap or paper bag, covered with a damp towel. Also, leave any mud or debris on them until you’re ready to eat or cook them. The dirt has a protective insulating effect. Plan on about six live oysters per person or, if you’re buying shucked oyster meat, allow about ⅓ to ½ pint per serving.
  4. Wild-Caught Pacific Sardinesrising interest in sustainable seafoodEasy Sardine SandwichSardines and White Beans Salad During the 1950s, Pacific sardines practically went extinct, but the fisheries have since rebounded, and now it’s one of the best fishes you can buy. You may consider sardines to be on a par with canned meat in terms of gastronomic cachet, but more chefs are starting to experiment with them, thanks to at restaurants. Visit any gourmet or natural food grocery store, and you’ll find sardines in all manner of flavors, from plain to marinated in garlic, tomatoes, and olive oil. Try them in a simple , or get more creative with this .
  5. Farmed Rainbow TroutLong the trophy prize of recreational anglers, rainbow trout are tasty fish that most people enjoy, and they’re one of the more affordable seafood options. Wild trout aren’t necessarily endangered, but some varieties, particularly those native to Lake Huron and Lake Michigan, are threatened by non-native species and have high levels of contamination from chemicals like PCBs. When you’re cooking trout, leave the scales on; you’ll be able to bread or coat the fish without having to add any extra oils. There are a hundred different ways to dress a trout. If you prefer simple recipes, bake it and dress it with lemon and paprika or a basic mushroom sauce. When baking, measure the thickness of the fish and cook for 10 minutes per inch (5 minutes on each side) at 400 to 450°F. MORE: America’s Best Homemade Tomato Sauce
  6. Farmed MusselsEasier to find than low-mercury tuna or responsibly farmed salmon, mussels pack a powerful nutritional punch. They’re rich in iron, which is good to stock up on if the summer weather is enticing you to exercise more; studies have found that regular workouts can deplete a woman’s iron stores. Like oysters, mussels are a good source of zinc. Plus, you can cook them in 3 minutes—they’re the healthiest fast food you can find. Prepare mussels in the traditional manner, or add them to a Spicy Seafood Linguine.
  7. Arctic CharMaple-Glazed Arctic CharArtic Char with Cucumber-Feta Relish and Jalapeño-Goat Cheese Hush Puppies Arctic char isn’t as widely known as its two relatives, trout and salmon, but it’s popular among restaurant chefs, particularly those who want to serve only sustainable fish. Native to the Arctic waters around Canada, Iceland, and Norway, the fish’s wild stocks have been sorely depleted by overfishing. Most arctic char sold in the US is farmed in clean, land-based tanks, as opposed to dirty ocean-water pens. The flavor of arctic char is closer to that of trout, and, like trout, it’s versatile enough that you can cook it any which way. If you’ve never had it before, try this recipe for , and if you’re a little more adventurous, experiment with this idea for .
  8. US-Farmed BarramundiEqually unfamiliar to a lot of us is the barramundi. It’s a mild, white-fleshed fish native to Australia, where aboriginal fishermen collect it by hand. Although it lives in freshwater rivers, barramundi are among the most sustainably farmed fish you can find—provided they’re from the US. Farms here utilize land-based tanks, where the fish are fed a largely vegetarian diet; in other countries, the fish are grown in ocean-based nets that pollute surrounding waters and endanger other species. Just bake, grill, or fry up the fish with a little lemon juice for dressing, or try this recipe for Barramundi with Swiss Chard and Roasted Sweet Potato from Australian chef Curtis Stone. MORE: How To Throw A Sustainable Clambake
  9. Wild-Caught West Coast Dungeness CrabCrab cakes, crab salad, stuffed crab…there are hundreds of ways to make use of a good crab. But most species sold in grocery stores, such as blue crab or king crab, live in habitats threatened by pollution and destruction. Dungeness crabs, on the other hand, are caught from an Oregon fishery that has been certified as “well managed” by the Marine Stewardship Council. The fishery there allows only males to be caught and restricts fishing during mating and molting seasons. As an added bonus, Dungeness crabs are caught with traps, not nets, so any bycatch that gets caught along with the crabs can be thrown back unharmed.
  10. Wild Atlantic Longfin SquidThe Spaniards eat them in paella, and the Japanese eat them in sushi. Americans have learned to love them as calamari. If you can avoid frying your squid, you have a really healthy seafood, full of omega-3s and vitamin B12, a nutrient that helps ward off depression. The Monterey Bay Aquarium rates all types of squid as either “best choices” or “good alternatives,” but longfin squid have healthier, more viable populations than other varieties. They also live in sand habitats that aren’t destroyed by fishermen. Slice a few rings of longfin squid into this Asian Calamari Salad or, for a healthier take on fried calamari, try sautéing it rather than deep-frying. The article 10 Healthiest Fish On The Planet originally ran on