Do You Have A Family Physician? [UPI] Americans who don’t currently have a primary care doctor might want to find one soon, according to new data that warns of a looming shortage of family physicians. By 2020, patients will be saddled with a shortfall of 100,000 doctors, according to calculations by the Medical Group Management Association. People living in rural areas are expected to be most impacted by the shortage. The report blames the shortfall on smaller salaries being doled out to physicians, compared to specialists, which makes it tough for doctors to cover the growing debts associated with medical school. (Frustrated with your doctor? Here are 5 Ways To Get The Care You Deserve.)  GM Salmon Soon Swimming To Your Dinner Plate [Los Angeles Times] Genetically modified salmon might soon hit grocery stores and restaurants across the country, after the Food and Drug Administration this week determined that the farming of GM salmon posed no greater environmental risk than the production of conventional fish. This latest report is one of the final hurdles for GM salmon, which in 2010 was deemed safe for human consumption by the FDA. The salmon is tweaked to grow faster and larger than regular Atlantic salmon, and would be reared in contained indoor facilities separate from wild fish. (GM foods are already in grocery stores. We’ve got a guide to What You Need To Know.)  New Recipes For Old Fruitcake [Blisstree] Wondering what on earth to do with those holiday fruitcakes you were, um, lucky enough to receive this season? Instead of choking them down as-is, consider trying one of these 7 recipes designed to repurpose and reuse the definitive—though perhaps not entirely delish—holiday dessert. From fruitcake bread pudding to chocolate covered fruitcake balls, these recipes will, at the very least, breathe some new life into a tired tradition. (Want to keep the holidays around a little longer? Stay festive with one of these 7 Healthy Holiday Dessert Recipes.) Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: