And though we write about skin cancer and tanning a lot here at Prevention, we’re admittedly fairly removed from real-live tanning salons. (Wait, did we say, “fairly removed"? We meant “We avoid them like a celiac avoids Sicilian pizza.”) A study by the National Cancer Institute found that frequent tanning bed use was associated with a 50% increase in basal cel carcinoma risk. We hit the tanning salons of New York City to see what salons are really saying to potential customers. Then, we turned to Marguerite A. Germain, MD, dermatologist in sunny South Carolina for the truth. Here, the most common tanning-salon lies, told straight from the salons, followed by the facts you need to know.* The Pitch: “It’s only dangerous if you turn red.” The Truth: “There is no such thing as a safe tan,” says Dr. Germain. In fact, a tan is simply a result of DNA damage. “This triggers the melanocytes (cells that produce pigment) in the skin to make melanin to protect from further harm.” Translation: Whether your skin turns bronze, red, purple, or green, it’s a sign of damage.  The Pitch: “We have high quality beds, which are safer.” The Truth: The salons explain that their UVA beds (usually what they’re referring to when they say “high quality”) protect against redness, creating a healthy bronze. First of all,  “the ‘quality’ of the bulbs is completely irrelevant,” says Dr. Germain. Secondly, yes, UVA rays are considered tanning rays, and UVB rays are the ones that cause redness. But this doesn’t mean UVA won’t cause cancer.  In fact, it is quite the opposite: “People used to think UVB was responsible for most skin cancers, but studies have clearly shown that UVA is responsible for basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma,” says Dr. Germain. So don’t be fooled: UVA rays are hardly “high quality,” and they still put you at risk for melanoma (while we’re at it, they also cause wrinkles).  The Pitch: “The benefits of vitamin D balance out any other health risks.”  The Truth: Don’t fall for it: Spending time in the sun (or a tanning bed, for that matter) doesn’t guarantee adequate levels of the bone-protecting vitamin. “There was a study done in Hawaii on surfers and skateboarders who spent an average of eight hours a day in the sun and 51% of them still had low levels of vitamin D,” says Dr. Germain. “Absorption varies from person to person, so you can’t depend on the sun to provide it.” You’re much better off taking a supplement.  Here’s the real kicker: Tanning salons often use UVA-only bulbs (the “high quality” ones above). “But it’s actually UVB rays that allow the production of vitamin D, not UVA, so indoor tanning wouldn’t help anyway,” says Dr. Germain. Take that!  The Pitch: “It’s your skin’s natural reaction to the sun.”  The Truth: This one’s true! “It’s absolutely a natural reaction to the sun,” says Dr. Germain. But it’s natural damage.  “It’s like saying it’s natural for your body to heal a wound; so why not cut yourself?” The Pitch: “Work up to a healthy bronze so you won’t burn on vacation.” The Truth: Yes, we made up an imaginary vacation to the Caribbean (if only), and all the tanning salons told us the same thing: “Build a base tan!”  Dr. Germain hears the myth from her patients, too: “Many of my patients have said that tanning salons have told them that they should come in before a vacation to build a tan slowly and protect their skin—nothing could be more false.”  See, a base tan doesn’t mean your skin is safe, it just means you won’t notice the damage, since your skin is darker. If you remember one thing about tanning, let it be this: UV rays will damage your skin whether you’re tan or pale, burning or bronzing. Period.  More from Prevention: Your Skin Cancer Prevention Guide