FOR STRONG JOINTS: SESAME SEEDSTwo tablespoons provide more than 80% of your daily intake of copper, an anti-inflammatory that may help ease arthritis pain. Get your fill: Mix tahini (sesame seed paste) with olive oil and use it as a salad dressing. FOR YOUTHFUL SKIN: SUNFLOWER SEEDSTwo tablespoons supply nearly 40% of the rda of vitamin e, an antioxidant that helps prevent sun damage. Get your fill: For a healthier crunch, sprinkle these onto your salad instead of croutons. FOR A HEALTHY HEART: FLAXSEED Two tablespoons of ground flaxseed, which is rich in heart healthy alpha-linolenic acid, help lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure. Get your fill: Add ground flaxseed to your cereal, oatmeal, or smoothie. MORE: 8 Tasty Things To Do With Chia Seeds