Indian researchers looked at the dental plaque pH levels of 68 adolescents, ages 12 to 15, before and after they ate select dairy products. The higher a person’s pH level, the lower their chance of developing cavities, says the study. Participants were randomly assigned to the cheese, milk or sugar-free yogurt group, and ate for three minutes before swishing their mouth out with water. During consumption, researchers periodically measured participants’ pH levels. And the results showed that participants who ate cheese had higher pH levels than those who consumed milk or yogurt. Researchers believe this may have to do with the amount of saliva the mouth produces when chewing. If this is true, says Rania Batayneh, MPH, a nutritionist and author of the forthcoming The 1:1:1 Diet (Rodale, 2013), then theoretically, any food that requires some baseline level of chewing would also protect against cavities. “However, milk, yogurt and cheese all contain calcium, vitamin D, and phosphate, which raise the pH level of the mouth,” she says. “Plus calcium sticks to the teeth, protecting them from other acidic foods. (Just take it easy on the phosphate, per the study that finds too much can hinder bone health.) But consume wisely: Cheese is high in calories and fat, and when not eaten in moderation, it can derail your diet, says Batayneh.  For all other dental care concerns, check out this Ultimate Guide To Healthy Teeth. More from Prevention: Cheesy 400-Calorie Meals