Here are the simple weight loss tips that work:

  1. EAT your meals on a regular schedule.2. CHOOSE foods with healthy fats. (Not sure what that means? Here’s your ultimate guide to which fats to eat and which to avoid.)3. WEAR a pedometer and walk 10,000 steps a day.4. PACK healthy snacks. (These 25 healthy snacks that won’t leave you hungry will do just fine.)5. CHECK the fat and sugar content on food labels.6. PORTION wisely and skip seconds (except vegetables).7. STAND for 10 minutes every hour.8. AVOID sugary drinks. (Just don’t choose the diet stuff; here’s a scary look at your body on diet soda.)9. TURN off the television while you eat.10. EAT at least 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily. MORE: 10 Diet Splurges And How Often You Can Afford To Make Them