What’s a self-affirmation? It’s a statement you make that affirms the qualities you like best about yourself. This could be your sense of humor, artistic skills, or penchant for finishing 5Ks. (Ready to get back out there? Find a race near you.) And it’s reminders like these that researchers suggest can combat chronic stress and poor job performance. To test their theory, researchers put 73 college kids through a performance test after having them evaluate their best qualities and values. The results: Making affirmations before their performance test boosted participants’ test results (specifically with problem solving) and buffered the negative effects of chronic stress. (Wait, there’s an upside to stress? There sure is.) So what does this mean for you, stressed readers? “This study suggests that it is helpful for individuals to reflect on something ‘positive,’ and more specifically, to reflect on why they value the things they do,” says Tara Kraft, a PhD candidate in clinical psychology at the University of Kansas. “For example, if you highly value family relationships, it may be helpful to complete this sentence: ‘I value my family because _____.’ ”  By saying, “I really value ______ because ______,” you affirm the values and ideals in your life that make you uniquely who you are, improving your mental well-being in the midst of stress, says Kraft.   But positive self-talk isn’t the only way to remind yourself why you’re so great. You can also do that with an action, vision, or activity, according to LinkedIn career expert Nicole Williams. “Unless you do something with [your affirmation], it’s just in your imagination,” says Williams. Here’s how to take it to the next level:  Imagine the unthinkable. Inspired by a line in Tom Robbins’ Jitterbug Perfume, Williams likes to muscle into the unthinkable, or imagine the goals that seem out of reach, e.g., a book deal or making VP at your company. “Once you start to stretch your brain into the realm of unthinkable, it’s not threatening,” says Williams. “In terms of self-affirmation, you’re now limitless and taking your goal away from the pressure of what is possible.” Make it physical. When clients approach Williams with specific goals, like “I have to prepare a huge presentation,” she asks them to attach it to a physical goal, such as running a mile. “With fitness, you’re actually building a sense of confidence and getting immediately energized. You’re affirming yourself through action. And attaching your affirmation to an energizing experience is so much more powerful—and it lasts even longer,” she says. More from Prevention:

Self Affirmations Shown To Boost Creativity And Reduce Stress   Prevention - 93