The research: Prior research has shown that those loathsome catcalls negatively impact a woman’s well-being (not that we needed science to tell us that), so researchers from Southern Methodist University in Dallas and Florida State University wanted to see if that was also the case for women and men in committed relationships—if just focusing on the physical would be detrimental to a relationship. To find out, the researchers recruited more than 100 couples to answer questions designed to measure how much partners valued their mates for their body, their non-physical attributes (such as kindness, creativity, and patience), as well as each person’s level of commitment and satisfaction in the relationship. The results showed that both men and women were more satisfied in their relationships when their partners valued—and complimented—their physical and non-physical qualities, while at the same time, also making their commitment to the idea of a long-term relationship known.  What it means: Your partner wants to hear that he’s sexy—and smart, sweet, and generous—but all the compliments in the world won’t give your relationship a boost if your partner perceives your commitment to the relationship is less than his; researchers found a negative association between compliments and less-committed partners. The bottom line: Saying your partner is smart and sexy—while also letting him know you’re in it for the long haul—is a simple step towards a more satisfying relationship. More from Prevention: 12 Ways To Fix Your Marriage

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