If you’ve ever wished you could feel as limber and energetic as you did in your 20s (um, yes please), consider amping up your workout. Older adults who run for 30 minutes, three times a week expend about the same amount of energy when they’re just walking around as a typical 20-year-old, finds a new PLoS One study. “Being more energy efficient makes things easier, which means you won’t get tired as easily,” says study coauthor Rodger Kram, PhD, an associate professor at the University of Colorado-Boulder’s Integrative Physiology Department. (Not a runner? Here’s your easy guide to becoming one.) Sadly, walking for exercise doesn’t seem to have the same effect. (Though Kram is quick to point out that it’s still a great workout with tons of other benefits, like helping stave off weight gain and arthritis.) While researchers can’t say for sure what makes running so special, they suspect that the vigorous activity could be helping older adults’ muscle fibers—which normally become less efficient with age—stay young. Still, running’s not the thing that can help you feel more like a spring chicken than a late fall one. Here are 3 more science-backed ways to turn back your body’s clock: Indulge a little.  Photo by Silvia Jansen/Getty Images Adults in their 50s and 60s who consume high levels of flavonols—yup, the antioxidant found in dark chocolate—showed significant improvements on memory tests in a new Nature Neuroscience study. Pair a square of the stuff with a glass of vino: Moderate alcohol consumption in adults over 60 (up to one drink per day for women; two for men) is associated with sharper recall, says recent University of Texas findings. Sayonara, senior moments.  MORE: 6 Recipes That’ll Take Your Love Of Chocolate To A Whole New Level Spread the love.Remember the days when you could bounce back after a tough workout in no time? The feel-good hormone oxytocin, which aids in muscle repair, was partly to thank. Production tends to dip with age, but getting more of the stuff may help older muscles heal faster, suggests a recent University of California-Berkeley study. You can boost your levels naturally by giving more hugs, having more sex (here’s how to get your libido back on track), or even just letting the other guy get the primo parking spot at the mall: Performing random acts of kindness boosts your oxytocin output by a whopping 50%. Get some sleep.Almost half of all older adults are plagued with insomnia, which can lead to the chronic inflammation responsible for sore, creaky joints. But recently, experts at UCLA found that treating insomnia in adults over 55 helped slash inflammation levels—and kept them low nearly a year and a half later. If you’re having trouble logging the recommended eight hours, talk with your doctor about natural remedies like cognitive behavioral therapy or meditation. MORE: 8 Natural Sleep Remedies Proven To Work