And that’s not all: There’s nothing better than lunges and squats to give your legs (and rear!) beautiful shape and definition. (Want a lunge- and squat-free lower-body workout? Here’s the workout for you.) Do these exercises 3 times a week, allowing a rest day in between. Crossover Lunges A. Stand with feet together, arms at sides. Cross left foot in front of right (pictured), so that it rests at 2 o’clock on an imaginary clock beneath your feet. With legs crossed, lower hips straight down until front thigh is nearly parallel to floor. Push back to standing position. B. Immediately cross left foot behind right, so that it rests at the 5 o’clock position. Lower hips as before and push back to start to complete 1 rep. Do 15 reps, then repeat with right leg. MORE: 4 Moves To Slim Your Hips And Thighs Uneven Squats With Side Kick A. Stand on step or low bench with arms at sides and 5-pound dumbbell in each hand. Step down to side with left foot and sink into a squat (make sure knees don’t stick out beyond toes). B. Slowly stand back up, immediately shift weight to right foot, and extend left leg straight out to side as far as comfortably possible. Lower leg, placing it back on step. Do 15 reps, then switch legs and repeat.