Famous clutterers in history include P.T. Barnum (a classic Collector who started a circus to show off his stuff), R.L. Ripley (believe it or not), and Imelda Marcos (she of the thousands of shoes). However, the champion clutterers of all time may have been Homer and Langley Collyer, wealthy brothers who lived like hermits in a Fifth Avenue mansion in New York City. In 1947, the police were tipped off that someone had passed away in the Collyer mansion. The police forced their way in but found themselves barricaded by walls and booby traps made of old newspapers, folding beds, and tons of other junk that the reclusive Collyers had constructed to keep outsiders away. By the time authorities located the deceased brothers, they had removed more than 130 tons of rubbish from the mansion. The stash included the top of a horse-drawn carriage, a primitive x-ray machine, an automobile engine and chassis, 14,000 books, old medical equipment, dressmakers’ dummies, and 14 grand pianos (that is not a typo). In an interview before his death, Langley Collyer was asked why he and his brother had saved tons of newspapers dating back to 1918. In a statement sure to endear him to Accumulators everywhere, Langley said he was saving the newspapers for his brother (who was blind) “so that when he regains his sight he can catch up on the news.” Take control of your home, your weight, and your life — in just 6 weeks with Cut the Clutter, Drop the Pounds! Buy your copy today! (sold by Prevention’s parent company, Rodale)[pagebreak]
Know Your A/R Ratio
For many of us, old clothes are a primary source of clutter. Sweaters shrink, we expand, styles change, yet we keep the clothing anyway since we expect to lose weight, give the clothes to someone smaller, or wait until the fashion pendulum swings back their way again. The number of pieces of clothing you actually wear (“active” clothing) compared to the number you no longer wear (“retired” clothing) can provide an indication of your Clutter Type. It’s called the active/retired, or A/R, ratio. Here’s how to calculate yours.
- Count the number of shirts (or skirts, or suits, or other items of clothing) you own that are appropriate for this season.
- Count the shirts (or skirts, or suits, and so on) that you’ve actually worn this season. 3. Divide the second number by the first number. This is your A/R ratio. An A/R ratio of 25 percent means you really wear only 1 in 4 of your shirts—time to clean out that closet. The ideal A/R ratio is 100% (that is, you don’t own anything you don’t wear regularly), but only the most committed Tossers ever achieve this.
The Five Stages of Decluttering
Decluttering can be emotionally challenging, particularly if it’s not your own idea. Clutterers (that is, every clutter type except Tossers) are attached to their stuff and don’t let go willingly. Most clutterers undergo five distinct stages of Clutter Separation: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. When first approached with the decluttering task by, say, a persistent spouse, it’s not uncommon for the cluttered one to deny the problem. After that, he may get angry. The clutterer will then try to bargain with the Tosser. (“I’ll put it in the garage. You’ll never know it’s there” or “Okay, you can toss the newspapers, but I’m keeping the copies of Crustacean Quarterly.”) When decluttering becomes inevitable, the clutterer becomes depressed. Eventually, though, he gets over it. After all, there’s always more clutter where that came from.[pagebreak] One approach to dealing with this clutter separation anxiety is to affirm the clutterer’s feelings and to remove the stuff gradually. At first, that box of place mats from around the world may have to move from the middle of the den to the back of the hall closet. Later, it can move to the top shelf in the garage, then to the trash can. Even the most emotionally attached clutterer can let go. Every day is a new, clutter-free beginning. Although the clutterer will swear he could never part with his doorknob collection, at another time he may wonder what he ever saw in it. This is why we recommend periodic sifting through the stuff. When a clutterer gives the sign that he’s ready to declutter, a clutter coach may be necessary. A supportive spouse, for instance, can stand by when the Accumulator asks, “Is there a reason to keep this key from my roller skates from when I was 10, even though I don’t have the skates anymore?” The clutter coach can lovingly and gently say, “No, dear. You have the memory of the key. The key will live in your heart forever. Now chuck it.”
Clutter Mind Games
When you don’t have time to take the systematic approach to decluttering, try playing these tricks on yourself as a motivational tool. Imagine one of the following scenarios. 1. Someone has offered to buy your house at three times its value, but only if he can move in tomorrow. Start packing. 2. Your mother-in-law has called from the mall around the corner and is stopping by for tea. 3. The Queen of England is stopping by for tea. 4. Your doctor has just diagnosed your allergy to dust and advised you to remove all dust-collecting knickknacks from your shelves. 5. The recycling center is offering prizes to the family that can bring in the most stuff. 6. Your boss is coming for dinner. More from Prevention: Are You A Hoarder?