“Doctors have suspected for many decades that stress contributes to heart and blood vessel disease," says John A. Elefteriades, MD, a professor of cardiac surgery at Yale University School of Medicine and the director of the Aortic Institute at Yale-New Haven Hospital. “Now, this article provides supportive evidence for this connection.” While we all get stressed, how much is too much—and how can you tell if your stress level is OK or over-the-top? (Without yanking any hairs, of course.) Dr. Elefteriades helped us create the following quiz to gauge your stress level. Check the letter that most suits you.1. You’ve heard 8 hours of sleep is optimal, but how much do you really get?A. Eight! I sleep like a baby and nothing can keep me from my shut-eye.B. Sometimes 8 hours, sometimes 6. It depends on how much I can get done before hitting the sack.C. Six–if I’m lucky. Sometimes I have a hard time falling asleep, or I wake in the middle of the night.2. When it comes to food, you:A. Make a point to eat three well-rounded meals a day, complete with protein, whole grains and veggies—healthy eating is important and worth the time.B. Eat breakfast and usually grab lunch and/or dinner at work. It’s hard to find time to prepare healthy meals (and tough to resist Chinese takeout or cupcakes in the break room).C. Sometimes go a little overboard—don’t leave me alone with a box of cookies. Or, sometimes I just forget to eat.3. On most days when you first wake up you feel:A. Excited about the day. Today’s presentation? Bring it!B. Ready for almost anything once a cup of coffee is down the hatch. C. Like the last thing I want to do is get out of bed. 4. For you, headaches are:A. Something friends discuss but fortunately happen only once in a while for me.B. Infrequent. They can happen but usually go away, and seem to coincide with colds or allergies. (Did you know that easing stress can help fight allergies? Click here to learn how you can find relief.)C. Pretty common. 5. Sex is something you:A. Want as often as possible, depending on my schedule, partner, and circumstance.B. Enjoy, but I could take it or leave it. Sometimes I’m just not feeling up to it.C. Remember liking. Now it seems as if my libido is on hiatus. 6. Your muscles feel:A. Good! Strong—I’ve been working on them in the gym, outside running, at yoga class…B. OK. Sometimes I get sore from working out, or my back feels stiff from sitting too long.C. Achy—especially around my neck, shoulders, and jaw. 7. When it comes to your body shape you:A. Are pretty fit and trim. I have some room for improvement, but who doesn’t? I feel and look healthy.B. Know I’d be healthier if I shed some pounds, but I’m not dangerously overweight. I tend to carry weight around my belly.C. Seem to carry a lot of fat around my middle, which I just can’t seem to lose.You picked:Mostly As: Congratulations! You seem to have found the magic balance in life, where you’re practically stress free. You live a healthful, happy life and know how to prioritize and take care of yourself. Keep it up with these 10 Ways to Find Serenity Now. Mostly Bs: You carry an average amount of stress, and it pops up in stealthy ways. For example, belly fat has been linked to increased levels of cortisol, and therefore stress and heart disease. (And of course, impulsive eating, like scarfing cupcakes, can be linked to belly fat.) For the most part, you have healthful habits, but some, like not getting enough sleep, may actually contribute to stress. Take a look at How Real Women Cope With Stress for five strategies you can try today. Mostly Cs: You’re stressed out. Muscle pain, loss of libido, and frequent headaches can all signify too much stress in your life. A lack of sleep may also signal anxiety, which can elevate cortisol levels. Maintaining a healthy schedule, which includes nutritious meals and as much sleep as you can manage, will help bring your stress level out of orbit. Check out Dr. Oz’s Top Stress-Fighting Tips for more ways to chill out.More from Prevention: 10 Silent Signals You’re Way Too Stressed