When various activities were tested for their ability to stimulate bone growth, running scored three times higher than walking and other nonimpact exercises such as stairclimbing and stationary cycling, which had almost no effect. This doesn’t mean that you have to abandon your daily stroll for a strenuous jog or resign yourself to weak bones, assures Charles Milgrom, MD, study author and associate professor of orthopedics at the Hebrew University Medical School in Jerusalem. “A 60-second run in the middle of your walk should be enough to signal bones to add mass,” he says. “You need to subject your bones to more impact than what they’re used to,” agrees Robert Marcus, MD, director of the aging study unit at Stanford University Medical School. So if you’re inactive, start walking. And if you’re already walking, add a 60-second jog. (Or start with 10 seconds and increase.) You’ll get a much better bone response from the jolt of even a short-lived, high-impact bout of activity, says Dr. Marcus.

Hate Running?

Then try jumping jacks, tennis, swing dance, step aerobics-anything that’s higher impact than you’re used to and that varies your routine. Or give Dr. Milgrom’s idea of “zigzag walking” a whirl: side-to-side strides, or forward and suddenly backward steps. The surprise change in direction may also help build stronger bones. In addition to exercise, eat plenty of calcium-rich foods and consider hormone replacement therapy if you’re approaching menopause. Check out these great food sources of calcium. Quick Tip If you can’t run, try some strength training or tai chi. Strong muscles and good balance will prevent falls and reduce the risk of fractures from weak bones. More from Prevention: Best Exercises For Bone Health