Eww! Disgusted People Spot More Dirt [LiveScience] Sure, setting foot in a filthy bathroom is bound to gross you out. But it turns out those prone to the “ick factor” might actually perceive environs as even yuckier—because the emotion of disgust makes us spot more dirt and grime than we would otherwise. That’s according to a new study published in Psychological Sciences, which found that disgust-sensitive individuals were better able to distinguish subtly different shades of white and gray. Experts suspect that those who tend to freak at the sight of ickiness are motivated by concerns about dirt to keep a more careful eye on those shades. (Need another reason to keep the house spotless? Find out about The Dust Bunny Risk.)  Meditation Wins Another Expert Endorsement [Chicago Tribune] A growing body of research has shown that meditation can help curb pain, and now a group of scientists working for the federal government have given the practice a stamp of approval. In a report issued last week by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (an office within the federal government’s Health and Human Services Department), panelists evaluated nearly 15,000 studies to conclude that meditation can reduce the severity of chronic and acute pain. That endorsement aside, the panel also noted that meditation seems to offer modest benefits in treating depression, anxiety, and stress. (Think you’re not the meditation type? Think again: We’ve rounded up A Meditation To Match Any Personality.)  This Holiday Season, Give The Gift Of Giggles [Hello Giggles] Nobody makes you laugh like your closest girlfriends, so why not return the favor this holiday season? This past year has been a good one for some seriously funny lady authors, as illustrated by this list of five new books that’ll give the ladies in your life a good chuckle. Among them: A behind-the-scenes oral history of women in comedy by Yael Kohen, and the latest tome from funny feminist Caitlin Moran. (If you need more gift ideas, we’ve got you covered: Check out these gift ideas for foodies, fitness fanatics, and anyone in need of some pampering.)  Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team! Follow her on Twitter: @katiedrumm Send news tips and positive vibes to: Katie.Drummond@rodale.com