The research: Researchers followed nearly 7,000 older adults for 4 years. Those with the highest levels of optimism had a 73% lower risk of developing heart failure compared with those who were pessimistic. What it means: Optimism may make you more proactive about your health, experts think. “Not only do optimistic people typically act in healthier ways, but they also actually believe behavioral actions like exercise and eating a healthy diet will impact their health,” explains study author and University of Michigan psychology professor Eric Kim. In addition, optimists tend to cope with stress better, which might blunt the unhealthy effects of stress on the heart. Kim adds that much more research is needed to examine the specific connections behind optimism and heart health. Bottom line: About 80% of heart failure occurs in older adults. And considering the other side effects of optimism (you know, overall happiness, a more positive outlook on the world around you, and numerous other health benefits), this could be one of the most important times in life to look on the bright side. For tips, check out The Pessimist’s Guide To Optimism.