Ashley’s answer: Funny how today we think of 2% as “extra” fat in yogurt, like it’s been added. The reality is that dairy contains fat, and interestingly, some recent studies from Harvard have found positive attributes of high-quality saturated dairy fat. That’s causing experts to reconsider what type of dairy we consume. My two cents on 2%? Keep it. The French, Scandinavians, Italians and others likely have it right—when we remove all the fat, we change the hormonal effects of the dairy on the body and struggle to feel as full, so the tendency is to add more of something else (typically, it’s sugar). If you’re counting calories or concerned about your saturated fat intake, then limit the portion size of your dairy. Oh yeah, and mooooove to organic dairy for sure—it’s better for us all, including our cow friends.

Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and