Ashley’s answer: Any travel—especially flying, even for a short trip—can wreak havoc on your digestive system for a number of reasons. There’s always some stress involved. You may forget something en route to the airport, have to endure a long security line, or you might just be excited about where you’re going. Those are all digestive stressors! In addition, better quality food choices can be limited or very expensive, and the poor quality ones can be too convenient to ignore. Finally, there’s the impact of the actual act of flying. Sitting for periods of time in a pressurized cabin as you climb thousands of feet into the air negatively impacts digestion, as you can imagine. But with the right tools and tips, you can actually arrive feeling as good as when you left. Tip #1: De-stress with magnesium, Mother Nature’s muscle relaxant. I never ever travel without supplemental magnesium, which I add to an herbal tea. (You should limit or skip caffeine on travel days, as it can exacerbate anxiety and constriction in the body.) I also make my own trail mix from cacao nibs and organic cereal and hemp seeds—all good sources of magnesium. And who doesn’t want a little chocolate at 10,000 feet? Tip #2: Grab digestive enzymes, which are like personal assistants for your digestive tract. Your body already makes them to break down foods daily, but when traveling, it can use a little extra help. If you have food intolerances, always have these on hand. They can come to your aid when you’re not certain you can completely avoid your dietary nemesis.  Tip #3: BYOE, or Bring Your Own Everything. Even us travel pros might think we can get everything we need at the airport, but there’s inevitably a long security line, traffic, or other minor catastrophe. You’ll want to have your go-to snacks, supplements, liquids, headsets, socks, and utensils (yup, I never leave home without my bamboo utensils and metal straw) in your carry-on. You might think I sound like a high-maintenance flying diva, but I’m actually doing it to protect my digestive system, and therefore my immune system. Even the forks, knives, spoons, and straws in the airport can carry unwanted bacteria.  Too lazy to do it yourself? You can get my curated travel kit here. Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and