Ashley’s answer: It’s certainly confusing! Here’s what I’ve found after much investigation: and Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) are two very helpful resources to navigate healthier and more sustainable fisheries. I use Seafoodwatch’s app when shopping and dining. I don’t agree with all of their points, however. MSC no longer certifies Alaska’s fisheries, but that’s not because these aren’t sustainable fisheries (they’re among the best) but rather because Alaska, as I understand it, wanted to certify their sustainability themselves as they believe they have best practices in place. I also don’t agree with Seafood Watch giving Chilean farmed salmon—which are fed GMOs—a “good” choice yellow marking.  When it comes to health concerns, focusing on just one can lead you down the wrong seafood path. Concern about mercury and lead should not make you choose wild seafood over farmed. On one hand, closed container farmed fish may contain fewer heavy metals, but they could contain antibiotics or other chemicals used to help fish stay healthy in unnatural settings—very similar to concerns about cows and chickens. These fish are often fed what they don’t eat in the wild (soybeans, corn, yeasts, and even different fish), many of which are GMOs. Or they’re given supplements to achieve color or nutrient profiles mimicking wild fish. Conversely, some fish like wild Alaskan salmon actually don’t contain significant heavy metals in their flesh because they live only 2-3 years. During their short lives, they move through both salt and fresh waters, and they certainly aren’t stopping to get shots or take pills. Rather, they get their color and nutrient values from eating a variety of sea vegetables.  Finally, cost should never be an excuse to eat unhealthfully. While seafood can and should provide a quality source of essential fats, amino acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients, getting poor-quality versions of these ingredients does more harm then good. Buying quality frozen or canned wild fish (or farmed when it meets quality standards) or buying in bulk are great ways to save and still get better fish. When high quality fish aren’t an option—airport or convenience-store sushi, ick—then organic plant options would be the better choice for you and the environment.    Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and