What it is A cornerstone of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture involves inserting hair-thin needles into the skin at specific points to realign the body’s energy, or qi. Imbalances are believed to trigger a host of health problems. Acupuncture is one of the most researched alternative therapies. The National Institutes of Health cite it as a useful treatment for osteoarthritis, asthma, and many other conditions, including menopause symptoms. What we know Hot flashes seem to happen less frequently after acupuncture. In a 2004 Swedish study, acupuncture slashed the number of episodes sufferers experienced daily by 52%. Although hormones worked better (offering a 91% reduction), acupuncture provided relief without the risk of some hormone-related side effects. However, sham acupuncture treatments also lessened symptoms by about 53% in another group of women. What new research shows Properly performed acupuncture reduces the intensity of nighttime hot flashes, compared with faux treatments. Researchers from Stanford and Harvard universities and the New England School of Acupuncture gave 29 menopausal women either authentic or fake acupuncture. After 7 weeks, evening sweats were 28% less severe in those who got the real deal. The others saw only a 6% improvement. What’s even better Accupuncture treats all kinds of health issues, both medical and not. Take a look at the 6 health benefits of acupuncture. To get started Visit the American Association of Oriental Medicine’s website to find a therapist near you, and ask your health insurance company about your alternative medicine benefits.