Maybe you’ve already heard of telomeres. In case you need a refresher, they’re small segments at the ends of your DNA’s chromosomes that serve as a sort-of buffer, protecting your body’s important genetic structures. That sounds complicated (and it is), but here’s all you really need to know: The more your telomeres wear down, the more likely your health is to worsen thanks to disease and, eventually, to death, according to lots of recent research. When you’re young and healthy, your telomeres are great at repairing themselves. They’re also great at protecting your DNA material from degradation, which leads to disease. But your telomeres’ ability to fix themselves weakens as you age, according to the study from New York’s Albert Einstein College. And so by comparing the fitness of your telomeres to the fitness of your peers’ telomeres, the study authors believe they’ll have a truer test of how your health stacks up. More from Prevention: Does Daydreaming Age You and Your Telomeres?
 The exact process involves “chopping” your telomeres into small fragments and measuring these fragments against those of your age group’s averages, explains study author Gil Atzmon, PhD, an assistant professor in Albert Einstein’s department of genetics. Dr. Atzmon says he can perform this test using any biological material—meaning he needs only a small hair, saliva, or blood sample. The procedure is brand new, but Atzmon and his team hope doctors will soon use it to create a type of “genetic thermometer,” which would allow your physician or specialist to compare your telomere data to the average data of people your age—or to those suffering from diseases like cancer or Alzheimer’s—in order to more-accurately assess your health. But in the meantime, while researchers like Dr. Atzmon perfect this technique, there are other ways to gauge your health without complicated DNA analysis. From the color of your fingernails to the exact ratio between your waist and hips, check out Prevention’s 6 Home Health Checks.
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