The scorecard is set up like an interactive, color-coded map of the United States. To make a grade—A through F, just like high school—states were evaluated on the number of accredited fertility clinics, the insurance and legislative mandate climate, and the amount of RESOLVE support groups available, if at all.  “We had been trying to figure out a way to showcase states that offer mandated benefits,” says RESOLVE president Barbara Collura. “We know that someone suffering from IVF in one state may have a different experience in another state, so this would really show someone where their state stacks up." The results? Massachusetts, New Jersey, Illinois, Connecticut, and Maryland all scored an A, while a majority of states scored either a B or C. “I knew states that have bad public policy were going to fall to the bottom, but a few surprised me,” says Collura. “Arizona, for example, has a lot of really anti-family public policies, but they scored a B as a result of their fertility clinics and RESOLVE support groups.” For those whose states scored on the low side, there’s still hope. “There are two actions to take right off the bat,” says Collura, “Start a RESOLVE support group by emailing us and writing a letter to your state legislature letting them know IVF and pro-family legislation is important to you." It may not be an easy conversation, especially when there are still a lot of hurdles and stigma attached to IVF, but a woman’s actions can be impactful, says Collura. “That’s what this is about—making sure that people understand they can rally their community, and wake people up to just how important it is to be pro-family.” For more information, visit

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