Debra’s Top 3 Trim-Down Tips

Trash your trigger foods. “Even after losing the weight, there are a few foods that I’ve learned that I simply can’t have in my house, or they’ll trigger a binge: Peanut butter, cereal, and chocolate. I no longer buy them.”

 Go meatless. “I was vegetarian years ago, but came back to it while I was training,” says Debra. “I choose to do it because of my compassion for animals—it’s a spiritual decision for me. It’s also great health-wise, too.” For inspiration, check out our 11 Flat-Belly Meatless Meals.

Sign up for a CSA. “I get a box of organic vegetables delivered every two weeks, and I never know what’s going to be in there,” says Debra. The good-for-her bonus: Her mystery veggies inspire her to whip up new healthy dishes.

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