According to the new report, blood mercury levels in women of childbearing age have dropped 34% in the past decade. And here’s the thing: The women studied weren’t cutting back on fish intake, which is where US women get their mercury exposure, says Betsy Southerland, director of the Office of Science and Technology in EPA’s Office of Water. The difference, then, can only be pinned to women opting for fish with lower levels of mercury.  What’s the big deal with mercury? The metal has been linked to brain and nervous system damage, and poses a particular threat to the health of fetuses and small children.  Here’s how to take control of your mercury intake with these EPA-approved suggestions for choosing cleaner fish:

  1. Pass on shark, swordfish, tilefish, or king mackerel. These large fish have long life spans and eat other fish, absorbing the mercury found in their prey’s muscles into their own. “They’re getting greater exposure over a longer period of time,” Southerland says.
  2. Eat up to 12 ounces a week of canned light tuna, Pollock, salmon, and catfish. These fish tend to have shorter life spans, and feed on aquatic plants, worms, and insects, which keep their mercury levels as low as possible.
  3. Check your state’s website to find out how mercury-laden local fish is. All 50 states keep tabs on these levels. Here’s where to start.    More from Prevention: What’s Healthier: Farmed vs. Wild Fish?