Be honest: When you think about your body, do you usually focus on how it looks or on what it can do? If you’re all about the former, then take note: That body-centric perspective might have a serious impact on how well you handle menopause.  Women who are more concerned with their physical appearance tend to have more negative attitudes about menopause, according to a new study published in the Journal of Health Psychology. To reach that conclusion, researchers surveyed 270 middle-aged women on topics like body image and perspective on menopause, and also engaged in more in-depth interviews with a handful of study participants. Unfortunately, the team also found, women with poor attitudes about menopause might be more likely to suffer from mental and physical health problems during their menopausal years.  Why the link? Because our appearance (not to mention our sex drive and mood) tends to change during menopause. So women who’ve “become used to being noticed, and have enjoyed the attention this brings…link menopause with aging and come to resent this phase and feel badly about it,” says the study’s lead author, Helena Rubinstein, PhD, a professor in the department of psychology at the University of Cambridge. And psychological malaise isn’t the only downside, Rubinstein found. “Women who start with negative attitudes towards menopause could experience worse physical symptoms,” she says. Of course, it isn’t always easy to avoid an emphasis on physical appearance. So what’s a menopausal woman to do?  Shift your perspective. “Menopause is a phase of life, not an illness,” Rubinstein says. “The women who were more accepting of changes in their bodies adjusted more rapidly.” So is it time to toss your gym shoes and stockpile the muumuus and chocolates? Not at all, Rubinstein says: “Women don’t need to let themselves go, but just to be more realistic, and to try not to focus their entire sense of self on their appearance.” Do your research. “It is completely normal to feel ambivalent about what is occurring,” Rubinstein adds.  “The best approach is to find out as much as possible about this phase of life so you can be mentally prepared, much as we prepare young girls for puberty.”  Use this time to take stock. “Your life is a little more liberated now from some of the complications of the reproductive years,” says Margery Gass, MD, executive director of The North American Menopause Society. You’re not contemplating pregnancy or raising children, so devote time to figuring out how you’ll cultivate wellness during middle age. “What am I going to do to stay healthy for the rest of my life? What can I do to further a cause that’s meaningful to me? How can I connect to people in my life and build relationships?” Dr. Gass suggests asking yourself. More from Prevention: 10 Yoga Poses For Menopause Questions? Comments? Contact Prevention’s News Team.