To determine how many Americans have prediabetes, the CDC analyzed data from a large health study, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, which consisted of personal interviews, medical examinations, and lab measurements. The results: Only 11% of those with prediabetes knew they had it. While diabetes is defined as a score of 126 mg/dl or more on a fasting blood glucose test, prediabetes—elevated blood sugar that puts you at risk for type 2 diabetes—is a score between 100 and 125 mg/dl, says Yehuda Handelsman, PhD, an endocrinologist and the chair of the diabetes scientific committee of American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. The closer you are to 125, the more trouble you’re in. “If your glucose is 118, you’re at a higher risk to have diabetes in a few years,” Handelsman said. “If your glucose is 108, obviously you’re further away from that risk.” How do you find out if you have prediabetes? If you’re overweight and age 45 or older, your doctor should perform a fasting glucose tolerance test, recommends the American Diabetes Association. If you have high blood pressure, a family history of diabetes, or other risk factors, you may need to be tested earlier or more often. (Take our simple quiz: Are You At Risk For Diabetes? to learn more about your risk.) The good news is that if you are prediabetic, simple lifestyle changes can help you halt the progression to type 2 diabetes. Go to our comprehensive Let’s Outsmart Diabetes center to learn how to reverse your risk—starting today.