Ashley’s answer: The great thing about nutrition is that we typically know the answers to our own questions. Like yours, for example, about eating something that “freaks you out” because of how processed it looks (and tastes, I imagine.) You made my job pretty easy when you proposed to “eat full fat and eat less of it”—but there’s another answer that you may also want to consider. Skip it! If you’re concerned that adding full-fat mayo to your meals, even less of it, is just adding calories and extra fat grams, perhaps you want to choose options like mustard or lemon juice or parsley pesto instead. If your eating occasion already delivers quality fats—wild salmon, walnuts, olive oil, or egg yolks—then you can and should skip the mayo altogether. If your concern is having too many fats from animal sources, then I recommend looking for better quality animal-free spreads like those from Earth Balance, Spectrum, and Wildwood’s Aioli for plant-based options. So while you are right to turn your head, nose, and mouth from something highly processed and scary looking, you don’t want to make that justification for overdoing it on fats either. Aim for a variety, and quality, full-fat mayo in portion-controlled amounts can certainly be part of your rotation.

 Chewing over a food quandary? Send it to Ashley Koff is a registered dietitian, Qualitarian, nutrition expert, and