The cause of your animal allergies may seem simple, but it’s probably a bit more complicated than you think. “The hair is what people see, so that’s what they expect to be allergic to,” says Robert M. Zuckerman, MD, an allergist and immunologist and associate professor of medicine at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center of Pennsylvania State University in Hershey. In reality, a protein secreted by the sebaceous (oil- producing) glands and released with the dog’s dander (dead skin cells) and saliva is the culprit. This protein, dubbed “Can f 1” by scientists, is so tiny that it sneaks its way through fabrics and flows like air through an ordinary vacuum bag. So even when the hair is gone, tiny particles with the protein still hang around, waiting to land on your nose and eyes or be inhaled into your lungs. Also confusing is the fact that pet allergy symptoms may not show up right away, so you may not realize your symptoms are caused by your pet. This happens because allergies are caused by the production of certain antibodies, and it takes a varying amount of time for people to develop those antibodies and become sensitized to their pets. If your allergy enemy is Garfield and not Snoopy, then a protein in cat dander and saliva, known as “Fel d 1,” is the source of your trouble. “The problem with cats is that the primary source of the allergen comes from the saliva,” says Robert B. Feldman, MD, an allergy expert at the Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons. “They groom themselves, and when the saliva dries, it flakes off into microscopic particles that float throughout the house.” Excerpted from Allergy Free Naturally by Rodale Inc. Order by calling (800) 848-4735. [pagebreak] Pet allergy action planDespite the most sincere warnings from the doctor, some people would rather put up with allergies than let their pets go. If your love for your pet fits this description, then you need to do the next best thing: Make your home as allergen-free as humanly possible. Prevent the symptoms:

Secure an area of your house for your pet, and try to restrict it to this area most of the time. You may have better luck arranging this if you have a dog; cats are free-roaming and won’t put up with being confined to one room.

Make sure where you keep your pet will be easy to clean and has little furniture and carpeting.

No matter how territorial your cat may be, never allow him to stake his claim in the bedroom. Ideally, the bedrooms should be absolutely off-limits to the dog or cat. The particles that carry animal allergens are so small that they can seep right into your comforters, sheets, and pillow covers.

Wash your covers, comforters, and sheets twice a week in hot water for the best results, recommends Dr. Zuckerman. Washing your bedding frequently is an important step in allergen-proofing your bedroom.

Regularly clean drapes and furniture, and keep stuffed animal collections in a glass case. Household items such as carpeting, upholstered furniture, drapes, and even stuffed animals can be a reservoir for all sorts of nasty pet allergens.

Use a specialized filter to clear pet allergens from the air. Because the particles that carry animal allergens are so tiny, they hang in the air for a long time, which makes HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters very effective. In a study of nine homes with dogs, a HEPA filter reduced dog allergens in the air by 90% when the dog was not in the room and 75% when it was present. The filters are available from $45 and up in major retail stores.

To trap the tiny particles that carry pet allergens, add a few simple attachments to your vacuum. “We found that vacuum cleaners that incorporated a HEPA filter, or a high-quality secondary filter, along with a double-thickness dust bag worked the best,” says Judith Woodfolk, MD, assistant professor of medicine at the Asthma and Allergic Diseases Center at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. These filters, which attach easily to your ordinary vacuum, are available for about $7 where vacuum cleaner supplies are sold.

To temporarily remove some of the allergens, wipe your pet down with a warm, damp washcloth at least twice a week. If you can get your cat to cooperate, immersing him from the neck down in warm water for 3 minutes each week is the most effective way to remove allergens.

Medications that can helpDiscuss with your doctor what type of antihistamine, intranasal steroid spray, or immunotherapy (allergy shots) would be appropriate for you. More from Prevention: How To Allergy-Proof Your Yard